Dear readers and those who are just becoming acquaninted with S.N. Lazarev,
S.N. Lazarev has not conducted any consultations in recent years. For a long time, Sergey Nikolaevich created a system of knowledge that people can independently figure out and overcome difficult life situations. After reading his books and watching the videos, people will come to understand what they need to work on, what to change in themselves, how to relate to the world, and how to seek a happy and healthy life.
You can watch purchased videos on all devices (PC, laptop, phone, tablet, TV, and many others).
First, you must understand this is not esoteric in the usual sense of the word. These are not fairy tales; these are not fantasies. This is real practical information that you need to work with. It requires a serious attitude and a person’s willingness to change.
If you expect to read books on health and prosperity and become healthy and wealthy without doing anything, close this page immediately. Real change is achieved through hard work. Changing and purifying the soul is a painful process, but if a person makes this his goal, then he can change his fate and character and help his children, grandchildren, and relatives.
First, we need basic knowledge, allow ourselves to absorb this and give a first impulse, and then we need to gradually increase the amount of information, develop our understanding, our willingness to change, and our willingness to become a different person, with a different character, with a different fate.
Acquiring new knowledge/ acquainting ourselves with a new learning system is a gradual process and can be hard. A person should start changing as the information is absorbed. Therefore, I advise everyone to start gradually, little by little and let understanding come because self-understanding heals and will change a person and his fate.
You need to understand that assistance aimed at long-term changes in a person’s life is not financial assistance, and these are not just words of support. First, it is to help a person’s soul; it is to help his moral instruction and education. It is this kind of help that guides a person on the right path, after which he will be able to independently find health and happiness by fate.
The Old Testament says that morality and health are closely related, and Jesus Christ also spoke about this. A moral person will be awarded, and an evil, hating person will be punished - this is written in the Holy Books. All this is confirmed by the long history of human existence on Earth.
One must always remember that helping another person is first helping his soul and then helping his body. Therefore, sometimes help may look like softness and caring, and sometimes like stiffness and infringement, but all this is for the soul to flourish because the soul is brought up by a carrot and a stick (like the body, by the way).
The fact is that the first changes are not always accompanied by an improvement in the quality of life or a sharp recovery from all diseases. It happens and vice versa on the external level; everything worsens, but the soul is put in order. Work on oneself is a long-term oriented path, and rarely is the beginning of a path accompanied by positive external changes.
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