News by S. Lazarev
11 april 2024

Don't Judge the State of Your Soul by Your External State

Illnesses and troubles are our assistants in detaching ourselves from our instincts. When you begin to treat yourself and the world in the best way, the assistance in the form of illnesses will no longer be required. And our weakness is not a defeat at all.
Don't Judge the State of Your Soul by Your External State

Illnesses and troubles are our assistants in detaching ourselves from our instincts. When you begin to treat yourself and the world in the best way, the assistance in the form of illnesses will no longer be required. And our weakness is not a defeat at all. This is a loss of external energy. At the same time, the need for love, which gives us our main and subtle life energy, increases.

Remember the New Testament: «My power is made perfect in weakness.»

Brilliantly said. So don't judge your soul by its external state, because this is only a belated consequence of how you used to feel and how you behaved.

In fact, we are happy all the time, but we don't always realise it. If an actor is entrusted to act in a play, when he is released on stage, then any role, even the smallest and shortest, is a great happiness for him.

So, rejoice!

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