20 february 2023

Transforming Passions or The Need to Pray With Our Heart and Spend Time With Children

Extract from practice by S.N. Lazarev
Transforming Passions or The Need to Pray With Our Heart and Spend Time With Children

Today we are going to focus on fighting our urges and obsessions.  It is clear that obsession is an uncontrollable feeling. When a feeling consumes and controls you – it is an obsession. How to overcome obsessions? We can do this by regularly fasting, obstaining, and together with prayer, this is most effective. It is clear and simple.

But when you think about it - there are deeper reasons for obsessions. If we start with a classic. ‘Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District' [an 1865 novella by Nikolai Leskov]. Here it demonstrates how a feeling of love becomes an obsession. It describes an all consuming obsession, which leaves nothing sacred, which knows no limits, including the life of another person.  It describes a woman who feels passion for a man and ends up killing her father in law, her husband, who ends up going to prison and she still can’t stop herself. Amazing story which everyone should read.

On reflection I thought:  the story illustrates how she had this feeling which she can’t overcome and it ends up controlling her. She becomes a criminal.  The first question is: why couldn’t she overcome her passion? Secondly we ask: how did this come about?  Although the novel doesn’t provide the actual details, we can still make conclusions.  First of all, love can become passion and passion can turn into love. When we divide things into good and evil and try to eradicate the evil and to glorify the good, then we will not succeed. 

We should aim to transform sin into virtue. Passion is an energy. When passion is under control, then the transformation and control of this energy can make us blossom. When the reverse process occurs, the result is degradation.  We look at why she felt this passion and why did it turn out to be so strong and powerful? Upon analysis I made the following conclusion.

First of all, she had lots of energy, she was a strong woman. Had she prayed with all her heart, this energy would have been directed to her soul and not her body. As a result she would have found it easier to control her passions.

In this case she had no children. When a woman has a child, she gives all her love and energy to the child. A normal family should have two to five children, and a woman should not go to work in principle. Why? The reason being that when a woman works, her energy goes towards solving problems at work and not on the child. As a result, the child does not have enough motherly love.

The more technological progress that is made, the more pressures that are being put on our logic. 

Whereas a more active focus should be placed on our feelings, otherwise it will all end tragically.


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