How to Atone for Past Sins?
About a month and a half ago, during a session, a woman told me: «I understand everything now. I'll go and atone for all my sins, and then I'll start praying for my descendants.»
I brought her into the room where the entire group was sitting, and I said:
— I ask everyone to remember the following.
There is only one sin — the rejection of God, the rejection of love for Him.
There is one problem — to go through a traumatic situation while preserving love for God, without resentment towards God and the world.
And there is only one task — to learn to see and feel Divine love and will more clearly within oneself and in the surrounding world.
The better you understand this, the easier it will be for you to overcome everything that hinders love. Gradually, we come to this.
First, we overcome the desire for revenge, curses, judgment, and hatred.
Then we overcome grievances.
Afterward, there comes a period of dissatisfaction with oneself, one's fate.
Then we attempt to overcome despondency, self-doubt, doubts, and fear of the future.
And the further we rise in overcoming aggression, the more subtle and elusive the form of aggression becomes, and the more we must concentrate on love.
The most profound human happiness comes from the future.
It is subtle and elusive.
Just like fears, doubts, and despondency. But it is with these that the unnoticed renunciation of the Divine begins.
The highest aspects of conscious desires are hidden in the future.
Dependence on the future leads to a breakdown in the present and past.
Therefore, when it comes to the future, don't forget about Divine will.
Let me give you an example: a beloved boyfriend leaves a girl, and she turns to God and prays for him to return. Her desires, her fate, her life feel humiliated. But in order to get the boyfriend back, she focuses not on love for God but on her desire to reunite with him.
In the moment of pain, the first thing we must do is turn to God.
The second is to accept any outcome of the situation, trusting in Divine will.
The third is, on the external level, to follow human logic, developing oneself, trying to be interesting to the beloved person, and making efforts to restore the relationship.
But if, while turning to God, we hold on only to human logic, then we are attempting to use the Divine for our own purposes, for our own desires.
When we turn to God, we step onto planes so subtle that ordinary willpower cannot reach.
And if we turn to God for the fulfillment of our human desires, we simply intensify our dependence on desires to a degree immeasurably greater than that which jealousy and resentment can cause.
A person merely prays for their children’s health, for them to have a prosperous fate, for their loved one to return, not realizing that in doing so, they are destroying their family, their fate, their health, and their soul. And not only their own but also that of their loved ones.
However, if in their prayer to God, a person says: «Lord, this is what I want, but let it be not as I want, but as You will decide, and I will accept whatever happens with humility and love,» such a prayer significantly protects them from future enslavement to human happiness.
To have your desires fulfilled, you mustn’t beg God for their fulfillment. The less love there is in your desires, the less chance there is of them being fulfilled. And if they are fulfilled, they will bring misfortune.
If your desires stem from sexual attraction, or the desire to protect and improve your life, the more focused they are on the human aspect, the more jealousy, judgment, envy, and grievances will accompany them. The more you pray for such desires to be fulfilled, the sadder the consequences will be.
Many people think: God is wiser than me. He will decide which desires to fulfill and which not.
Nothing like that. All desires start to be fulfilled.
And they are destroyed along with their author when, on the subtle plane, they become dangerous to the surrounding world.
The extent to which our desires are aligned with the Divine, the strength of our internal striving toward love, is the extent to which any of our desires are fulfilled without any prayer.
The more we constantly overcome the pull of the human, occasionally restraining ourselves, detaching from our consciousness and desires, and striving toward the Divine by destroying the human within, the more we are given everything we wish for.
We must understand that every fraction of a second, we make a choice — to turn away from love or to move toward it.
Our results depend solely on the firmness of our resolve and our constant inner work on ourselves.
Yesterday, I spoke with my son.
— You haven’t yet overcome the deep resentment toward women, — I explained to him.
I see that simply demanding prayer and the release of grievances is not very effective. I will try to explain it more simply.
The feelings and desires that a person has determine their abilities and the amount of happiness they will receive.
Take a frog, for example. It has a limited range of feelings and desires, and it won’t step beyond the bounds of its tiny world.
So, the more developed our sensitivity is, the more capable we are of experiencing profound happiness. But sensitivity is born from love, and without it, it dies.
Thus, the more desires we have, the more we must strive toward God and love.
These are not just my exhortations; I have tested these conclusions for many years in real-life situations related to health. And my ability to see subtle planes accelerated the process of turning theory into practice a thousandfold.
On the subtle plane, I see simultaneously your character, your health, your fate, and believe me, there, everything is interconnected.
What you feel now will later become your fate.
If you hold love in your soul, your fate will live and develop. If you hold grievances, judgment, and despondency, your fate will suffer and collapse.
There is no gain without pain and loss. The more love you have in your soul, the more pain you can endure. The greatest pain comes through love for another person.
So, the more generously, sincerely, and without demands we treat our loved ones, no matter how much it hurts sometimes, the more we earn the right to be rich, healthy, and happy.
By the way, I have observed wealth. Owning yachts, summer homes, apartments, and cars is an emotion that spans about three lifetimes.
But an ordinary romantic love — 10-15 lifetimes. So, we can convince ourselves of anything outwardly, but our subconscious has a real reference point. And no material happiness comes even close to ordinary romantic love.
As much as we gain in life, we must lose just as much. And as much happiness as we receive through human love, we must receive corresponding pain.
The collapse of human love can only be endured in one case: when love for God is more important. And then, from striving toward God, you receive more happiness than from human love.
This is cultivated over years and decades. The potential for indestructible goodwill usually exists when there have been generations of believers in the family. But you can also nurture it within yourself. Not immediately, of course, but it is possible.
So, if during a moment of love you feel pain but preserve love at all costs, then the emotion of happiness that spans 10 lifetimes is not destroyed. And then you can have summer homes, yachts, cars, be capable, talented, and famous. And none of this will harm your soul or body.
If you want to be happy — do not hinder love with fears, self-doubt, despondency, grievances, and judgment.
Remind your soul more often that love for God is the highest happiness and joy.
And this will heal not only your soul but also your body and your fate.
S.N. Lazarev, «Diagnosis of Karma, Book 8»
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