21 february 2024

Feeling Love for God as the Greatest Happiness

Humans are created in the image and likeness of God, which means that with our feelings, we can not only influence the external world but also create it.
Feeling Love for God as the Greatest Happiness

Reader's question:

Dear Sergey Nikolaevich! My sister's bathrobe acquired the smell of herring after washing. It's impossible to get rid of this smell, even after four washes with bleach. At the time, my sister was in her fourth month of pregnancy. Could you please explain what this could be related to?


Sergey Nikolaevich's reply:

In my books, I have repeatedly mentioned that the more illogical a situation is, the more Divine logic it contains. We call something a miracle when it has no visible causes. But humans are created in the image and likeness of God, which means that with our feelings, we can not only influence the external world but also create it. These abilities are still dormant in most people because their consciousness is imperfect and selfish. But the subconscious sometimes still intervenes in the usual course of events. Most often, this happens for the salvation of the soul and the lives of children, both already born and those yet to be born.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, the child's contact with the higher planes sharply intensifies, and if its soul is aggressive, this contact can lead not to flourishing but to degradation, not to creation but to destruction. There can be difficult childbirth, unexpected infections. There can be many health and fate problems. The smell of fish is intolerable to jealous people; this smell reduces subconscious attachment, lust.

This smell appeared to help the pregnant woman put her soul in order, so that in the fifth month of pregnancy, it would be easier for the child to detach from everything and feel love for God as the greatest happiness.

S. N. Lazarov, «Experience of Survival», part 2

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