Reader's Question:
«How can I love if I don't feel and understand God, but want to?»
Sergey Nikolaevich's Answer:
We all carry God within us. Our Divine «self» is eternal, hidden in God and love. Between the human «self» and the Divine, there are intermediate links, and in life, we constantly try to move from the human 'self' through these links and stages to the Divine. As we distance ourselves from the human, human logic weakens, the significance of our everyday affairs diminishes. Consciousness becomes secondary. As we progress further, the importance of all our emotions and feelings decreases, and we gradually stop depending not only on consciousness but also on our emotions.
So, the more we periodically turn off human logic, i.e., evaluation and analysis of situations, the more we stop regretting the past and worrying about the future, the easier we try to deal with any of our problems, relying on love and kindness, the easier it is for us to transform human love into Divine.
I once told a patient: «When a misfortune occurs, note the time and for at least the first 3 hours, do not give any evaluation of the situation. As soon as a thought arises, immediately repeat: «Lord, your will be done», maintaining love and not seeking to blame».
The more you view any misfortune as an opportunity to work on yourself, the easier it is for you to detach from the significance of the human «self». Imagine the biggest grievances in life and picture yourself as a newborn baby. You are now made only of love, you have no significance and go through all situations, staying in this state. Concentrate on your sincerity, weakness, and vulnerability. Then it's easier to feel and maintain love in the soul. If you fall in love with someone - be completely sincere and vulnerable. To turn human love into Divine, one needs to discard demands, conditions, regrets, and fears.
There is another point. Love for God begets love for people and the world. Love for God is the spring that feeds the stream of love for people, and the spring is inexhaustible. The more we give of human love, the more Divine love comes into our soul. Those who are ashamed of showing their love, who inhibit its manifestation, turn their stream into a puddle. Human love stagnates, and Divine love has less and less to come in.
If we often tell our children that we love them, stroke and kiss them, we help their souls experience reciprocal impulses of love. Dependency on human values intensifies when the expression of love in the soul weakens, i.e., the more love and kindness we give to the surrounding world, the less we depend on it. No matter how many hooks we remove, until we start giving love, we will not overcome the attraction of the human «self».
A child who was not given enough love in childhood and was not taught to believe in God begins to pray to the human that is close to them. And for the sake of possessing it, they are ready to commit a crime.
S.N. Lazarev, «Diagnostics of Karma», book 6
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