8 august 2024

Protection from God: Origins and Consequences

The best defense against unwanted and aggressive influences from the external world is overcoming pride.
Protection from God: Origins and Consequences

The more we try to protect ourselves from Divine will, the more severely our defenses are destroyed from above. Every person must protect their life, strengthen their health and well-being, and develop their capabilities. These are the laws of human logic. But on the soul level, another logic operates, other laws – on this level, protecting life can look like excessive pride and protection from God.

On the soul level, on the level of feelings, the most effective protection is the ability to accept Divine will, the ability to preserve love, and the ability to rely on the will of the Almighty, realizing that His will is ultimately beneficial.

Internal protest against what is happening leads to the most serious problems with fate and health because internal rejection of the situation is a struggle with God.

But external rejection of the situation generates a desire to change it, to take action – which encourages us to develop.

A person is simultaneously an informational, energetic, and physical being.

A person is a collection of energies. Our energetic functions differ from physical functions.

On the physical level, during a conflict, we must defend ourselves, but on the energetic level, we must first feel our unity with the opponent.

Our energy should be directed not at destroying the other but at interacting with them, educating, and changing them.

On the informational level, all people are united – therefore, subconsciously wishing harm to someone, we destroy ourselves and our descendants.

Human logic and Divine logic differ significantly.

A friend of mine worked in customer service. She interacted with clients a lot at work and became very tired, completely exhausted by the end of the day.

She realized that clients were «draining» her and decided to put up an energetic defense to feel comfortable.

If she had read my books, she must have done so inattentively, as I have repeatedly explained that energetic protection – all these spells against the evil eye, curses, and love charms – is actually a protection against Divine will.

And it is impossible to protect oneself from God.

Amulets, spells, and the like may work, but only for a very short time. Then, inevitable problems will still arise.

To protect oneself from misfortunes and unpleasantness, one must strive toward God, keep love in the soul, and improve one's character.

If a person does not want to change but tries to put up protection on the energetic level, the more effectively they protect themselves, the more problems they will have in the future.

This is what happened with this woman. She went to psychic courses where people were taught to set up energetic protection.

In a small hall, the course leader told a few dozen people how to behave, how to set up protection, and how to maintain their energetic potential. After several lectures, my friend felt that her condition was improving.

Two women attended these courses, after communicating with whom my friend felt strong discomfort. She even wanted to leave the courses, but she forced herself to stay. And she shouldn't have – one must trust one's feelings.

One day, when my friend came to class again, she found out that the course leader had died. And three months later, her mother died.

After her mother's death, she felt very bad and underwent a medical examination. It turned out she had cancer, and she had to undergo surgery.

This is how this story ended. There was just ordinary vampirism here, but on a rather large scale.

Those two women, apparently, were taking energy from others. They intuitively chose the place where people had the least protection.

Engaging in psychic activities and various energetic practices often disrupts one's natural balance, allowing people with tendencies towards energetic vampirism to do their work.

The main regulator of a person's energetic state is their feelings.

A person with harmonious feelings, with love in their soul, is protected from any negative influences.

And one who forgets that human will is secondary and tries to solve the problem of their protection by themselves – such a person imperceptibly but very strongly increases their pride.

And further, such a person may have problems with fate, unpleasantness, illnesses; such a person may attract a criminal and become their victim.

The more a person's energetic balance is destroyed, the more easily people with pathological character traits, with a pathological internal state, can be drawn to them, who can rob them both physically and energetically.

The world is not controlled by us. Understanding that we are secondary to the surrounding world, that we have certain capabilities, but they are far from limitless, acknowledging that the world is governed by a higher will (we do not act, but actions are done through us) – all these are remedies for serious problems caused by pride.

The best protection against unwanted and aggressive influences from the external world is overcoming pride.

A proud person lives in extremes. They either humiliate and oppress others, and since people feel this, it is difficult for them to communicate with them; or, conversely, they inwardly worship people and grovel before them – and then they are open to their unwanted influence.

Therefore, people with high pride often have big problems in jobs that require constant communication.

Doctors with increased pride either take on the diseases of their patients, then get sick and die, or become cynics: they only think about money and are indifferent to people.

That is, they fall into one extreme or the other. It is not by chance that the life expectancy of emergency and surgical doctors, who are internally too concerned for their patients, is the shortest.

The ability to treat people with compassion, warmth, and care, while maintaining distance and internal independence, is a state of a believer, which is achieved through serious and constant work on oneself and changing one's character.

S. N. Lazarev, «Overcoming Pride»

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