19 july 2024

The image of God in man. The dialectic of our soul

Essentially, man is Love; the divine part of our soul is directed towards the Creator, while the human part is directed towards this world.
The image of God in man. The dialectic of our soul

«After all, it is true that God is Love. You just need to remember in time that you are God!..»

Can a leaf on a branch call itself a tree? It can, but only in a collective sense, not literally. Otherwise, it may develop a delusion of grandeur and begin to impose its will on the tree.

Can a cell call itself an organism? It can, but if it forgets that it is still a part of the organism on an external level, it might prioritize its own will and turn cancerous.

So, essentially, a person has only two problems.

The first problem: not to forget that a person is love, that by nature every person is divine, and that all people are united in God. Thus, a person can be called God.

The second problem: not to forget that you are human—to avoid turning into a cancerous tumor.

When a person realizes that they are dying, when they see their body decaying, know that soon their consciousness will also disintegrate, along with all the attachments and feelings binding them to this world, then all that remains is to rely on love. The soul, freed from all worries and attachments, receives a vast amount of energy, and if it strives towards God, then the person begins to feel that they are one with the Creator, that they are God. But this is an illusion.

A son is united with his father on a subtle level, but he is not the father. Christ said that he was one with the Creator, but he did not allow himself to be called God. The feeling of unity with the Creator causes an explosion of love in the soul. But complete identity with the Creator is only possible at the very end of the universe's life.

If a person, returning to their normal life, to business, chores, and attachments, continues to consider themselves God, then deification of their body, consciousness, and soul will occur. And then, quite possibly, the old diagnosis will return.


The first rule — do not forget that we are divine.

The second rule — strengthen unity with God, reveal your divine essence.

The third rule — do not forget that you are human.

A Muslim once told me an interesting story: In the 9th century in the East, perhaps in Persia, there lived a poet. He was a sincere believer, and all his poems were dedicated to God, to understanding the Creator. He led a morally impeccable life. He was considered almost a saint and had many admirers. One day, he went out to the main square of the city and began to shout: «I am God! I am God!». People tried to stop him. «Stop blaspheming,» they pleaded, but he did not relent. That same day, he was executed in the presence of his friends and admirers.

One of them prayed all night and, turning to God, asked for an explanation as to why this holy man had been killed.

By morning, he fell asleep and in his dream, he heard the answer:

«This man revealed a secret mystery that it is still too early for people to know.»

Incidentally, despite what happened, this poet was still recognized as a saint.

He was buried with honors, and his grave was a place of worship for believers for many centuries.

S.N. Lazarev, «Experience of Survival, part 1»

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