25 september 2024

The Parable of the Lost Angel

A person who does not want to change will never understand the truth, even if they hear it a thousand times.
The Parable of the Lost Angel

The Devil is the Most Spiritual Being. It’s no coincidence that his name, Lucifer, means «the Light Bearer.»

Spiritual planes hold very high energy.

Angels are beings that dwell on subtle planes.

The more refined and expansive these planes are, the more energy they contain. This is likely why saints, who had access to these subtle planes, had a radiant halo around their heads.

But they were saints because their love for God was more important to them than any abilities, powers, or visions of the future.

The moment a person’s will comes to the forefront when in contact with the future, the reverse process begins—not the understanding of God, but a departure from Him. This is how devilry begins.

When I was in Israel, I was told that, according to Judaism, angels have no names because they are 100% conduits of the Divine will.

The angel who placed his own will first became the devil.

He was closest to God, had far greater abilities than other angels, and stopped feeling the priority of the Divine.

He lost his connection with God and transformed into the devil.

Truths are often conveyed through parables. To understand a truth, one must internally grow to it, undergo temptations and trials, and only through change can that truth be fully grasped.

A person who does not want to change will never understand the truth, even if they hear it a thousand times.

In India and other countries, many spiritual people who, in their pursuit of spirituality, neglected love, humility, and faith, began an unnoticed transformation into a state called demonic.

This eventually led to complaints against God, disobedience to the Almighty, the absolute prioritization of their ego, and, as a result, severe health problems.

Any contact with subtle planes, even for a harmonious and healthy person, can lead to problems if they lack reverence for the Almighty, a willingness to change, and the understanding that a human is primarily a soul, that the will of the Almighty is absolute, primary, and supremely benevolent.

If one does not cultivate this within oneself, our external consciousness, attached to material and spiritual benefits, creates behavioral and worldview patterns that penetrate inward and begin to conflict with the Divine will.

The subtle planes connected with the future, entering which reveals any supernatural abilities, are a territory where it is immediately determined in which direction a person is going.

If the person prioritizes the Divine will and their primary, central feeling is love for God, then entering the subtle planes reveals their abilities, and they remain human.

But if their first impulse is directed not toward God but toward their instincts and their human «self,» then entering the subtle planes begins to transform them into a demon.

The parable of the devil, it seems, tells us the following.

Possessing the highest spiritual values is not just a blessing, not just enlightenment.

It is the transformation and disintegration of the soul if the highest spiritual values are placed above love for God.

This is alluded to in the Bhagavad Gita, in both the Old and New Testaments, and in the Qur'an.

According to the Qur'an, Iblis was originally an angel, and he became the devil when he disobeyed the Almighty and refused to bow to the created human.

At that time, Iblis said, «I am better than him: You created me from fire, and You created him from clay.»

Why did the smartest, most spiritual angel refuse to bow to a human?

Because he was far above humans on the ladder of spiritual hierarchy.

For an angel who had not yet become the devil, development meant ascending the hierarchical steps. He despised the imperfect and worshiped the perfect.

But God is in everything. God dwells equally in the most imperfect and the most perfect beings.

We differ only on the outside, but inside, we are all one.

The angel forgot this. He refused to bow to an imperfect earthly being and began to transform into the devil.

A reader asked me an interesting question:

«If the devil is the most spiritual, most intelligent being in the universe, then he must know all the laws by which it exists. So why did he turn away from God?»

I answered him as follows:

«The devil is the most intelligent, most spiritual being. But the fact is that consciousness is secondary to the soul; spirit is secondary.»

The belief that development is a process of increasing spirituality and understanding is a great misconception, which is symbolically presented in the Bible through the character of the devil.

Our thoughts do not lead us to truth; our thoughts serve our interests and desires.

If our desires are disharmonious, then no matter how strong our mind is, it will be distorted under their influence.

When we see a very intelligent person and think that they have understood the truth, we are mistaken.

We’ve simply been taught to believe that spirituality is the highest good; we’ve become accustomed to saying that a human is «homo sapiens,» meaning «thinking man.»

And if he is thinking, then the greatest happiness for him must be the development of thinking, and the highest knowledge must be intellectual understanding of the universe.

The main misconception and the tragic mistake of many lies in the failure to understand that the dominance of consciousness at the expense of the soul is devilry.

If we forget about the soul, love, morality, and faith, then the more developed the consciousness, the faster a person moves toward their own destruction.

Consciousness lacks harmony; the spirit is not harmonious.

The material and the spiritual together form a dialectical unity.

The soul is Divine; the soul connects with the Almighty, and therefore, love resides only in the soul, while in spirit and body, there is no love.

Only in the soul can opposites unite.

The belief that development is a process of increasing spirituality and understanding is a great misconception, which is symbolically presented in the Bible through the character of the devil.

«You know,» said my reader, «people don’t really understand what harmony is. It’s always been thought that harmony is calmness, the absence of problems, silence... But in reality, harmony is balance.»

«Exactly,» I agreed. «Let’s imagine a beautiful, smooth movement of the hand. Why does it look harmonious? Because the processes of excitement and inhibition are balanced.

If the inhibition processes dominate, the hand moves sluggishly and slowly.

If the excitation processes dominate, the hand jerks and moves in fits.

Neither movement is harmonious.

Harmony is the unification of opposites, of opposing forces.»

S. N. Lazarev, «Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit»

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