18 april 2024

Through the Thorns to the Stars...

The feeling of joy and happiness should be alongside pain, alongside the feeling of loss, and bereavement. Then we will rely not on instincts, but on love. Perhaps it's time to learn this already?
Through the Thorns to the Stars...

I was advised:

«At the end of the book, add a lively and optimistic letter. There should be a candy - a happy ending. There should be a feeling of happiness left.»

«So, after all the trials, a person still has to end up in paradise?» - I clarified.

People are accustomed to dreaming of paradise. People are willing to pay huge amounts of money for the feeling of comfort, for miracles that will solve all problems.

Books about a fairy-tale paradise, about health that will arise on its own, about luck that will come after reading - such books are sold in millions of copies.

Most of all, people love buying rose tinted glasses books.

Less - those bookss where there is pain, but in the end - still a happy ending.

For the reader of my books, the feeling of happiness should not appear at the end - it should be present every second throughout the reading.

The feeling of joy and happiness should be alongside pain, alongside the feeling of loss and bereavement.

Then we will rely not on instincts but on love. Perhaps it's time to learn this already?


Hello, dear Sergey Nikolaevich!

I express my immense gratitude to you for your work.

For more than five years, my sisters and I have been reading your books, watching seminars and working on ourselves.

Everyone's character has noticeably changed.

One sister struggled to get pregnant for a long time, and now she has given birth to a son, a good and healthy boy.

My husband (currently common-law) is changing before my eyes.

He used to be very aggressive, often humiliated me and even hit me several times.

And when he drank alcohol, he completely lost control and unleashed all his aggression on me.

After reading your books, I realized that it was a healing of my soul and it became much easier for me.

I accepted this situation, thanked God for the cleansing of my soul, analyzed all the situations according to fate

and forgave my husband.

Once, apparently, there was a «test»: my husband came home completely irrational, started waving his hands, saying terrible things to me.

And I understood that it was a test, and then I almost completely detached myself, prayed, I didn't feel any resentment towards him, no anger, no pity for myself.

It seems to me that the next morning I woke up as a different person, my soul felt light and bright. Apparently, I passed the test.

Now my husband has become much less aggressive.

He even listens to your seminars with me sometimes.

And my daughter (5 years old) loves listening to your seminars very much.

Thank you very much for your work. I wish you creative success!

S.N. Lazarev, «Survival Experience 4»

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