
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev

The author - Sergey Lazarev. eBooks about life, education, religion, human health and relationships. These are a useful source of self-knowledge for all and can be downloaded and read in English on this website.
*Books on the site are sold in electronic format

by Date

eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Survival Experience. Part Five (Russian version)
Every living being has a purpose. When the purpose is lost, the content begins to die, and then the ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Survival Experience. Part Four (Russian version)
Diseases and troubles are a blessing for highly organized beings. They indicate that the soul has st ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Survival Experience. Part Three (Russian version)
Readers often send me notes asking: what is love for God? I have always answered simply. If you have ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Survival Experience. Part Two (Russian version)
Each of us must take care of our soul and save it. God saves those who come to Him – I have encounte ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Survival Experience. Part One (Russian version)
In the first book of the new series, S. N. Lazarev comments on letters from readers who share their ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Polish Zdrowie człowieka. Połączenie nauki i religii.
Współczesna nauka dopiero zaczyna dostrzegać związek pomiędzy wydarzeniami. Bardzo trudno jest uwier ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Serbian Dijagnostika karme, knjiga 12. “Život kao zamah krila leptira”
U ovoj knjizi autor daje konačnu klasifikaciju ljudskih vrednosti i govori o najvažnijim zaključcima ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Parenting Education. Answers to Questions (Russian version)
If a person, having read my books, understands that happiness is, above all, love and sacrifice, an ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Polish Uzdrowienie duszy
Ludzie proszą o pomoc i zadają zazwyczaj dwa pytania: „Za co to wszystko mnie spotyka?” i „Co mam zr ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Serbian Dijagnostika karme, knjiga 6. Koraci ka spasenju
S.N. Lazarev je u okviru posebnog predavanja odgovorio na veći broj pitanja koja su mu postavili čit ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Parenting Education. Part Five (Russian version)
Every person wants to be happy. In our subconscious, deep in our souls, the concept of happiness is ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Polish Tajemnice rodzinnego szczęścia
Istnieją prawa, zgodnie z którymi rodzina żyje i się rozwija. Tym, którzy znają te prawa, jest o wie ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Serbian Odgovori S.N. Lazareva na pitanja čitalaca s Balkana
S.N. Lazarev je u okviru posebnog predavanja odgovorio na veći broj pitanja koja su mu postavili čit ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Bulgarian Диагностика на кармата - книга 12
Най-страшните загуби са онези, които не забеляз- ваме. Когато губим връзката с Бог и вътрешно започв ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Parenting Education. Part Four (Russian version)
A person who perceives the world from the perspective of the spirit or the body sees everything as s ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Polish Oblicza pychy
W Biblii jest napisane, że najważniejszym grzechem człowieka jest pycha. Pycha staje się przyczyną n ...
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