
e-Books by Sergey Lazarev

The author - Sergey Lazarev. E-Books about life, education, religion, human health, and relationships. These are a useful source of self-knowledge for all, and can be downloaded and read in English on this website.
*Books on the site are sold in electronic format

by Date

eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Serbian Vaspitavanje roditelja 4. "Odgovori na pitanja"
Vaspitavanje dece počinje od vaspitavanja roditelja. Da bismo postali kvalitetniji roditelji, potreb ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Bulgarian Диагностика на кармата - книга 9
Казах си: "Лекувам хората." Тогава той започна да казва: „Помагам на хората да се възстановят“.Сега ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Completing the Dialogue (Russian version)
The correct worldview expands our possibilities in changing the surrounding world. In this book, whi ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in German Ishichara Yumi. Der weg zur gesunheit auf fernostliche weise
Autor: In diesem Buch sprach ich über Wege zur Verhütung künftiger und Behandlung bereits bestehende ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Czech Diagnostika karmy Kniha 8
Jak uchránit sebe a své blízké od nepříjemností a jak se naučit řešit své problémy? Existuje dooprav ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Serbian DIJAGNOSTIKA KARME. “Dodir s budućnošću”, knjiga 4
U ovoj knjizi sam podelio s vama svoja iskustva u pomaganju ljudima, zatim rezultate svojih istraživ ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Bulgarian Диагностика на кармата - книга 8
Познати са ми казвали, че информацията се усвоява най-лесно чрез въпроси и отговори. Затова излиза т ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Continuing the Dialogue (Russian version)
In this book, I offer several interpretations of the problem. Previously, I provided only one versio ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in German Der Mensch der Zukunft Buch 1
S.N. Lazarev ein System auszuarbeiten, welches uns ermöglicht, über die Seele den Körper und das Sch ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Czech Diagnostika karmy Kniha 7
Jak uchránit sebe a své blízké od nepříjemností a jak se naučit řešit své problémy? Existuje dooprav ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in French La santé de l’homme La rencontre de la science et de la religion
Nous connaissons la notion de karma. Mais alors pourquoi est-ce que les petits enfants tombent-ils m ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Serbian Iskustva preživljavanja – I deo
U novoj, drugoj seriji knjiga "Dijagnostika karme" autor detaljno analizira pisma čitalaca, koji del ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Bulgarian Диагностика на кармата - книга 7
Човек може наистина да се възстанови само когато преминем през всички стъпки на човека и тогава, заг ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Survival Guide (Russian version)
I used to tell myself, «I heal people». Then I began to say, «I help people recover». Now I neither ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in German Karma-Diagnostik Band 6
Der berühmte russische Heiler und Psychologe S. N. Lazarev hat hier seine Erfahrungen, die auf der p ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Czech Diagnostika karmy Kniha 6
Jak uchránit sebe a své blízké od nepříjemností a jak se naučit řešit své problémy? Existuje dooprav ...
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