
e-Books by Sergey Lazarev

The author - Sergey Lazarev. E-Books about life, education, religion, human health, and relationships. These are a useful source of self-knowledge for all, and can be downloaded and read in English on this website.
*Books on the site are sold in electronic format

by Date

eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Polish Książka piąta. Odpowiedzi na pytania
Zmieniamy się po to, by zbliżyć się do Boga, a nie po to, by zyskać więcej ludzkich wartości. Późnie ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in German Karma-Diagnostik Band 5
An zahlreichen Beispielen aus Lazarevs Praxis kann der Leser nicht nur die Ursachen von Krankheiten ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Czech Diagnostika karmy Kniha 5
Jak uchránit sebe a své blízké od nepříjemností a jak se naučit řešit své problémy? Existuje dooprav ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in French Diagnostic karmique. Livre 7
J’ai compris qu’un diagnostic précis était possible en partant du comportement, de la vision du mond ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Romanian Vindecarea sufletului
Disponibilitatea unui om de a se schimba, de a-și schimba concepția de viață – asupra trecutului, a ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Serbian DIJAGNOSTIKA KARME. “Čista karma”, knjiga 2. – II deo
Kao rezultat mojih dugogodišnjih istraživanja, koja su potvrđena u praksi izlečenja obolelih osoba, ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Bulgarian Диагностика на кармата - книга 5
Възстановяването основно зависи не от усилията на лекаря, а от желанието на пациента да промени сист ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Overcoming Sensual Happiness (Russian version)
True recovery is possible only when we pass through all the stages of being human, and then, having ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Polish Książka czwarta. Dotykanie przyszłości
W tej książce dzielę się swoim doświadczeniem, w jaki sposób pomagam ludziom, wynikami swoich badań, ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in German Karma-Diagnostik Band 4
Wie kann man sich und seine Nächsten gegen schlimme Folgen schützen? Wie kann man lernen, Probleme s ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Czech Diagnostika karmy Kniha 4
Jak uchránit sebe a své blízké od nepříjemností a jak se naučit řešit své problémy? Existuje dooprav ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in French Diagnostic karmique. Livre 6: les degrés vers le Divin
Pour que chaque patient puisse guérir il suffisait d‘explorer de façon plus détailler ce qui l’empêc ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Romanian Secretele fericirii în familie
Există legi conform cărora trăiește și se dezvoltă o familie, iar celui care cunoaște aceste legi îi ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Serbian DIJAGNOSTIKA KARME. “Čista karma”, knjiga 2. – I deo
Kao rezultat mojih dugogodišnjih istraživanja, koja su potvrđena u praksi izlečenja obolelih osoba, ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Bulgarian Диагностика на кармата - книга 4
Нито един лекар, нито един лечител не лекува, но само помага на човек да се възстанови. За да бъдете ...
eBooks by Sergey Lazarev in Russian Steps to the Divine (Russian version)
The previous books reduce human values to two: material and spiritual. But it turned out that there ...
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