
Overcoming Pride

Sergey Lazarev
Overcoming Pride

Overcoming Pride

Sergey Lazarev
  • E-book
Rating 5.0
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The researcher, spiritual thinker and writer Sergey Nikolaevich Lazarev has frequently spoken of the issue of pride. Pride is the root of all other human sins. If one fails to voluntarily overcome pride, fate takes coercive measures - through illness, misfortune, problems with descendants.

The book «Overcoming Pride» tells the readers about ways to overcome this terrible sin in various life situations, and how - by comprehending the need to accept the Higher will - mortal danger can be avoided.

How to prevent self-interest from coming to the fore during prayer? How not to become an absolute maximalist? How to learn keeping away from extremes? To all these and other questions the author gives detailed answers to build the right system of priorities and worldview - the essential conditions for overcoming pride. Based on his many years of experience, the author teaches the reader to think correctly, pray, forgive, helps to acquire health, hope, happiness and peace of mind. Through this book, the readers find strength to change and become happy.

  Reviews 1
Rating 5.0 1
An excellent book that changed my perspective on myself and the world around me. After reading it, I became aware of and overcame my internal barriers. Thanks to this book, I went through a personal transformation and found harmony. Highly recommend.
14 september 2024, 12:14
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