
Touching the Future (Russian version)

Sergei Nikolayevich Lazarev
Touching the Future (Russian version)

Touching the Future (Russian version)

Sergei Nikolayevich Lazarev
  • E-book
Rating 5.0
5.0 4

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Year 1998

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To the Readers
The Future
New Values
The Casino
The Triangle
Martial Arts
Perception of New Information
Individual and Society
Love and Morality
Critical Situations
Helping Others
Collective Self
Working with Patients
The Birth of a Toast

Those who have read the manuscript of this book have said that it is very personal. But what can I do, the information is so serious that I decided to stick to a reporting style about how I received it, in what conditions, and what followed. I had to go a long way, which could be expressed in one phrase: «Not knowing that the way to the future is not only goals, plans, and tasks, but also spirituality, morality, and ethics, could have cost me my life.. And not only mine. I have understood several truths that have helped me become happier. From childhood, I primarily realized my personal desire to become smarter, more capable, to take a step further in development, to understand the world around me. It turned out that this is impossible without changing oneself and without the help of others. When I started doing this, that's when I felt what people call «happiness».

Tags: The impact of visiting a temple on a person. The dangers of living by principles, ideals, and a bright future. When the «syndrome of helplessness» arises. The role of absurd, illogical, and offensive situations in a person's life. In what case immoral and unjust behavior by a woman becomes salvation for a man. What problems arise when a person has an unreasonably high salary. What is behind the unexpected departure of a husband from the family. The dangers of a disdainful and arrogant attitude towards an unworthy neighbor. How one can influence the world through art. The philosophy of martial arts.

Illnesses: Severe back pain, kidney problems, sarcoma, oncology, tuberculosis, pancreas, infertility.

  Reviews 4
Rating 5.0 4
Profound and wise
18 june 2024, 22:07
A flawless book that provides answers to many important life questions. Written in simple and understandable language with examples from life. Thanks to the book, I was able to change myself and the world around me. I recommend it for reading.
23 april 2024, 18:43
Great book, helped me solve many personal issues. Managed to change my life for the better and I'm not going to stop working on myself. Thank you to the author.
30 march 2024, 11:32
Having read the book, I started to see many aspects of my life in a new light. The book made me think about the importance of being responsible for my actions. I recommend it to everyone who is in search of spiritual development.
21 january 2024, 15:05
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