I reflect on my research. I began them solely as a scientist. But science is inherently consumeristic. It aims to fulfill our desires. Thus, science without religion corrupts a person, subtly forcing love to submit to desires. And many, after reading my first books, saw in them only the possibility of quick and easy healing through prayer, allowing them to save on medications.
The more I advanced in my research, the more I realized how dangerous a mercenary approach to God is. I saw how difficult it is to reconcile science and religion. Gradually, unnoticed, the mercenary, consumeristic, human aspect began to dominate over the Divine. Science started to consume religion. To prevent this, one must continually fight against greed, constantly purify one's soul, and never stop moving towards love and God. Love for God gives life, sensual happiness, health, money, well-being. But when we turn to God, we must forget about the interests of the body, spirit, and soul. We should be interested only in love, and to maintain this selflessness, we need to temporarily restrain all desires of the body, spirit, and soul. Hence, many became hermits and retreated to monasteries. And if a person cannot selflessly turn to God, then it's better for them to first learn to restrain their desires, starting with the body – not overeating, fasting, starving. Restrain the aspirations of the spirit: not overworking, not watching TV, seeking solitude, stopping consciousness, not getting irritated or judgmental. Subdue the desires of the soul: restrain sexual urges, overcome fear and regret, not rush.
«Faith without works is dead», says the Bible. If a person overeats, judges, and hurries, if he is greedy, irritable, and jealous, then his prayer will be merely a vibration of air. However, if such a person begins to pray earnestly, striving for love and God, he may fall ill and die. The detachment from the attachments he has immersed himself in may be too overwhelming. True, pure prayer is not achievable by everyone. Perhaps that's why Christ told his disciples that only through Him could they feel love for God. And spiritual values can more firmly block the path to love than material values.
Understanding love for God is a complex and lengthy process. It is challenging, it evolves, it perfects. The ability to love is cultivated over years, decades, our entire lives. Christ spoke of this in the parable of the virgins and the lamps. One must prepare in advance for the test of the ability to love. When Divine love arrives, it's too late to repent and ask: «Creator, I have sinned, forgive me»! The extent to which we learn to love selflessly every day, the extent to which we overcome dependence on the desires of the body, spirit, and soul, so much will our prayer addressed to God have a beneficial impact on us and our descendants.
Several days have passed since the New Year. I am reviewing the mail I received. I read a message sent by fax. It contains New Year's greetings and a suggestion to create a forum on the website. They write to me:
«On New Year's Eve, we will gather with friends and family at the festive table, recalling the brightest events of the past year. And for many of us, they will be associated precisely with understanding ourselves, the world, fate, with finding a foothold in life...
We, participants of the forum and chat on the site lazarev.ru - these are Orthodox, Buddhists, Catholics, Lutherans, atheists, Muslims, esotericists, philosophers, yogis, composers, students, fathers, mothers, singles, Russians, Americans, Ossetians, Jews, Uzbeks... - would like to give you a new forum for the New Year, which meets all modern requirements...
We try to lovingly and non-aggressively accept hooligans on the forum, understanding that their presence is an indicator of the state of our souls, that this is an opportunity to work on ourselves, although partially hooliganism can be curbed by the anti-swearing system and moderation. Your opinion on this matter would be very valuable, because, on one hand, this is an opportunity to work on oneself, and on the other hand, it is the destruction of an environment where truly serious issues can be discussed».
Well, first of all, I think, the gift is made not for me, but for themselves. I don't participate in the forum, although the forum is certainly necessary, it creates a feedback loop that a book lacks. I stopped answering questions on the site for a simple reason. People are mainly interested in the office phone number, the possibility of an appointment, obtaining video cassettes, and almost do not visit special sections of the site.
Not reading my answers, they repeatedly ask the same questions. There was no exchange. The majority only wants to receive, few want to give. This is the peculiarity of our thinking. We want to receive help, but do not learn to help others. But if a person internally closes off the output of energy, then it is impossible to help him. I cited in one of the books an example of a dying sheep. They give her a newborn lamb taken from another sheep, and she, beginning to care for it, releases a huge amount of energy, care, and love, and overcomes the deadly disease. Therefore, I would like to address the readers of the site like this.
Do you want to recover and solve your problems? Then don't wait for help, start helping yourself. And the less you think about yourself at that moment, the healthier you will be.
I remember my situation. The diagnosis is cancer, metastasis. There are no chances of survival. I returned from Sochi to St. Petersburg, having received a referral to the Institute of Oncology. At that moment, one of the patients called me.
– You know, I have a terrible problem, – she said, sobbing. – Only you can help. Let's meet at the "Technological Institute" metro station, and I will tell you everything.
I went. And now, an hour later, I listen to her story.
– I'm in a terrible state, – she rattles on. – I've lost the meaning of life, I don't want to live.
I look at her as if from a distance.
– Let's go in order. Tell me specifically what happened.
– You know, my boss doesn't appreciate me, he nitpicks. I'm in a hopeless situation.
The thought flashes through my mind: "I wish I could switch problems with you," but I immediately dismiss it.
– Listen, – I say, – time will pass, and you will laugh at this problem. When a problem comes to us from the future, it seems huge. But when, after some time, we look back at it in the past, it seems tiny to us. Believe me, you don't have the biggest trouble.
She looks at me and smiles joyfully.
– You know, you have such a good influence on me. I immediately felt better.
After babbling a few more phrases, she disappears into the crowd. And I thought, how great it is that even in my condition, I was able to help someone. And who knows, maybe this situation, when the readiness to help was more important to me than the catastrophe that happened to me, helped turn the catastrophe just into an unpleasant situation, with which one can and should fight.
I intuitively followed the four rules that help feel the Divine and contribute to recovery.
First: I discarded everything that hindered love, primarily fear for my life. I stopped hoping for medicine and hoping at all, but continued to actively fight, only now the object of my salvation was not the body, but the soul. I read the Bible and found the word «Love» there. And intuitively followed it.
Second: I was no longer frightened by any pain or problems, as they related to the body. All problems became funny and insignificant.
Third: I limited, stopped all my desires and goals. It turned out to be a natural abstinence from everything.
Fourth: I began to look for opportunities to help the family, which would have been left without means of subsistence after my death. I did not refuse to help others. And it reduced my dependence on life and health.
The Old Testament says: «Do not take gifts, for gifts make the seeing blind». A person who is used to constantly receiving weakens. First of all, his soul weakens. It's hard for us to believe, but it's the nuances of our sensations that determine our health and the possibility of the demise or survival of our civilization.
If for a person the highest happiness is to receive, he is sick. The disease will be hiding in his body, in his consciousness, or in his soul, it will be incurable.
I stopped answering questions on the site so as not to support this trend. The «experience exchange» section ceased to exist. A few people provided me with new information that I needed. And about ten thousand people wanted me to help them personally. What's nice, my point of view on this problem has changed. Earlier I would have said: «A sick person is a consumer. At the physical level – this is greed, at the spiritual level – this is envy and judgment, and at the soul level – this is jealousy». Well, and since it's a consumer – why communicate with him.
Now, I see this problem in a different light. Illness, that is, consumerism, is the inability to think correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to assist a person in positive change. We need to seek new ways to help love and give.
Communication is education. If you dislike something in a person – help them change. If you dislike something in the world around you – help it change. Resentment, judgment, and blaming are the cessation of the energy of love, and therefore, the impossibility of change. We must respond to any pain or problem with a burst of creative energy. And since this energy comes from Divine love, we must reflexively respond to any pain, loss, or offense with a burst of love. Then the perception of a bad, flawed, evil person will disappear – before us will be a person who has failed to change and has not managed to put their soul in order. This is what it means to think correctly.