Hello, respected Sergey Nikolaevich! Thank you very much for your books and your work! I first encountered your books in the early 2000s. My mother gave them to me to read. Back then, I felt that everything you wrote about was close to my worldview. Then life got busy, as it often does: studies, work, children... And of course, there was no room for any self-improvement.
I came to a deeper understanding of your information later on. My husband lost his well-paying job, and at the same time, we lost our long-awaited new apartment. But that's nothing compared to my mother's illness. She was diagnosed with stage three cancer of the left kidney.
After the initial shock, I realized that illness is a form of feedback, a conversation with God. I had long noticed that my mother didn't react quite right to events in our family or in life in general. But when I offered advice and made observations, she would get offended and not understand me. Perhaps my comments were inappropriate as well.
When we learned about the diagnosis, I returned to your books and started watching and listening to your seminars. Suddenly, what I couldn't understand before became clear and obvious, even though the words I was reading were the same as many years ago. But it was only during moments of emotional turmoil that what you were trying to convey to us began to unfold.
I reminded my mother about your books and your research. At first, she categorically refused to read anything, saying that she agreed with everything you wrote but physically couldn't read because it hurt her soul. However, gradually, she started listening to your seminars and then began reading one book, then another, and another... And I began to notice real changes: she stopped trying to control everything and everyone, she stopped getting irritated over every little thing, she asked my husband for forgiveness for her improper behavior, and she became more humble.
Soon, circumstances led to her being quickly operated on, even though the waiting list for surgery at our oncology center in Belarus is enormous. During the operation, no expected metastases were found.
After the surgery, we thanked God for the chance to learn to live differently, with love in our hearts. Both my mother and I understood that our self-improvement journey had only just begun.
Three months after the operation, my mother came for a routine check-up, and metastases were found at the site where the kidney had been removed.
Of course, we are grateful to God for everything and strive to keep love in our hearts. But we want to understand which direction to move in and what to work on.
Respected Sergey Nikolaevich, I know that you receive many letters like this, but I ask you: please help, advise us on what to do next! Thank you.
Jesus Christ, while trying to convey the message of the Kingdom of Heaven to people, told a parable about a wedding feast. A king invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come and were destroyed. After that, the king ordered his servants to invite anyone they met on the roads to the feast. Then, when the king saw a person among the guests who was not dressed appropriately, he ordered him to be thrown into prison and said, «Many are called, but few are chosen».
Why was an apparently innocent person harshly punished for his appearance? If you think about it, it becomes clear that a person who came to the feast in ordinary clothing, not festive attire, did so under the threat of punishment. He was not there by choice and therefore did not truly rejoice. In reality, he had no time for celebration because he was preoccupied with his own affairs and concerns.
What is the essence of this parable? When the Kingdom of Heaven approaches, meaning when a new dose of Divine energy arrives, every person will have to answer for their sins. Those who have not developed tendencies for change, for overcoming pride, will perish. Those who only change under the fear of punishment and do not sincerely believe in God will also be punished.
Another one of Christ's parables about the Kingdom of Heaven is the parable of the ten virgins preparing for a wedding. The virgins who had prepared enough oil in their lamps in advance will be rewarded, while those who rushed to buy oil at the last moment will not receive the reward. The reward is health and life.
Your mother is heading in the right direction, but her readiness to change seems to be somewhat insincere. She began to change under the pressure of circumstances and out of fear of death. However, if there is not enough love in her heart, then only superficial changes are possible, not deep ones. Her character likely remained the same.
In other words, she went to the feast but did not put on festive clothing. This means that if the illness goes away, your mother will behave the same way as before.
You can deceive a person, but you cannot deceive God. Your mother needs to truly feel that her irritation, which she often experiences, is a struggle with God.
Our soul comes from God and continues to communicate with Him on a subtle plane. Our irritation is related to the desire to control the world around us. When this irritation penetrates deep inside us, when we forget that our will is secondary, and that by fulfilling our desires, we can harm our soul, then we receive an invitation to the «feast». Now is the time when everyone will be called.
Jesus Christ, while trying to convey the message of the Kingdom of Heaven to people, told a parable about a wedding feast. A king invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come and were destroyed. After that, the king ordered his servants to invite anyone they met on the roads to the feast. Then, when the king saw a person among the guests who was not dressed appropriately, he ordered him to be thrown into prison and said, "Many are called, but few are chosen."
Why was an apparently innocent person harshly punished for his appearance? If you think about it, it becomes clear that a person who came to the feast in ordinary clothing, not festive attire, did so under the threat of punishment. He was not there by choice and therefore did not truly rejoice. In reality, he had no time for celebration because he was preoccupied with his own affairs and concerns.
What is the essence of this parable? When the Kingdom of Heaven approaches, meaning when a new dose of Divine energy arrives, every person will have to answer for their sins. Those who have not developed tendencies for change, for overcoming pride, will perish. Those who only change under the fear of punishment and do not sincerely believe in God will also be punished.
Another one of Christ's parables about the Kingdom of Heaven is the parable of the ten virgins preparing for a wedding. The virgins who had prepared enough oil in their lamps in advance will be rewarded, while those who rushed to buy oil at the last moment will not receive the reward. The reward is health and life.
Your mother is heading in the right direction, but her readiness to change seems to be somewhat insincere. She began to change under the pressure of circumstances and out of fear of death. However, if there is not enough love in her heart, then only superficial changes are possible, not deep ones. Her character likely remained the same.
In other words, she went to the feast but did not put on festive clothing. This means that if the illness goes away, your mother will behave the same way as before.
You can deceive a person, but you cannot deceive God. Your mother needs to truly feel that her irritation, which she often experiences, is a struggle with God.
Our soul comes from God and continues to communicate with Him on a subtle plane. Our irritation is related to the desire to control the world around us. When this irritation penetrates deep inside us, when we forget that our will is secondary, and that by fulfilling our desires, we can harm our soul, then we receive an invitation to the "feast." Now is the time when everyone will be called.
This time is described in the Old Testament: «In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge». This means that a time will come when each person will be personally responsible for their actions.
Your mother needs to understand and feel that working on her character, changing it for the better, is happiness and joy, not self-violence that her soul rejects. She needs to feel like a completely different, new person who no longer wants to get irritated, judge, or control, but who sees and feels that everything around us is subject to the Divine will.
Periodically, your mother should detach herself from worldly concerns and fast. She should mentally go through the major events of her life with repentance. Then she needs to pray for her descendants - pray that they accept the Creator's will and, above all, take care of their souls.
A person is allowed to control the world, but they must do it with love. Always remember that God's logic comes first, and human logic comes second. Learn to understand this. And to start, your mother is better off forgetting about control and relying on the Creator's will - He will not let you down.
It's time for real change. It's time to understand that this is true happiness.