Experience of Survival. Book 7 (Russian version)
In Buddhism, there is a remarkable formula describing one of the laws of the universe: the universe moves with compassion. The feeling of compassion for all sentient beings is considered one of the main virtues. I tried to decipher this formula for myself.
What is the essence of this feeling? From a Buddhist perspective, life is a chain of continuous sufferings, and the cause of these sufferings is attachment to the world. In Hinduism, it is believed that attachment is the basis of what we call the sinfulness of human nature.
To have compassion for another means to feel one's unity with them. Love is the highest manifestation of unity in the universe. Compassion is one of the forms of expressing love. Who suffers in this world? Those who are imperfect. It turns out that compassion is love for the imperfect.
An imperfect, sinful person strives to increase their energy, engage in activities, and fulfill their desires, thereby increasing their dependence on the world. Such a person becomes stronger externally but weaker internally. A more or less perfect person detaches themselves from their desires, renounces actions, and energy. They become weaker externally but stronger internally.
So, compassion is love for the imperfect and a sense of unity with all imperfect beings and with the entire world. Such love gives energy to every living being. The difference between the ideal, perfect, unmanifested, and the real, manifested, imperfect sets the entire universe in motion.
Humanity on Earth has developed according to the same laws. Eastern, collective thinking implies unity, detachment from one's ego, and restraint of desires. Western tendencies involve the expression of individual desires, personal development.
Development is impossible without struggle, competition, and rivalry. To achieve this, one needs a developed ego, as well as the energy and ability to achieve one's desires. But this is only one side of the coin. Development also becomes impossible without love, support, mutual assistance, and self-sacrifice - this is the other side of the coin. When these two opposites come together in dialectical unity, external energy becomes moral. Then competition is no longer about destroying each other, but about competition: internally - complete unity, externally - conflict and conflicting interests.
Religion and science have always been at odds with each other, but at the same time, they could not do without each other. Without science, religion lost its philosophical view of the world along with common sense and became ossified and began to die. And science without religion turned into an inhumane instrument of destruction.
Why have science and religion always been in opposition? Why are the West and the East irreconcilable? It all comes down to two opposite types of thinking. The interests of science shift towards the body, towards a superficial style of thinking - it can be called materialistic. As for religion, it has always dealt with the questions of the soul, studied the laws of the unmanifested world, affirmed that the spirit is primary, and matter is secondary. Reconciling these two opposites was impossible until recently. I was not an exception in this regard.
About twenty years ago, I came to the conclusion that our consciousness and feelings have a dual nature. When we think, there is brain activity, i.e., a material structure, and at the same time, the field structure is activated. The processes of thinking and feeling occur simultaneously both on the physical and field levels.
It turned out that our subconscious mind is closely connected with the field structure. What we call irrational or unconscious turned out to be a universal archive, a storage place where the information perceived by consciousness accumulates and settles.
But that's not all. It turns out that the subconscious mind perceives and «records» any event that occurs in a person's life. This archive also contains the experiences of our ancestors. Remarkably, in our subconscious, there is also a memory of all our past incarnations.
On the external, material level, the information from the subconscious is duplicated by a person's genotype. But the primary information is contained in the field genotype, which cannot be touched or measured by instruments.
There is no time limit in the subconscious. Strong resentment, held in consciousness, eventually transfers to the main storage and can later lead to unhappiness and illness.
The subconscious operates with images, and an image can encapsulate an incredible amount of information.
But there's more to it. It turns out that the subconscious "records" not only what has already happened to a person but also what will happen to them in the future. I remember being surprised when, observing a person's subconscious emotions, I saw that it was a reaction to future events that had not yet occurred. Remarkably, at the subconscious level, the feeling is primary, and the situation is secondary.
When I tried to extract information from the subconscious through text, the letters came in reverse order – from right to left. This intrigued me. Indeed, why do Western languages write from left to right, while in the East, it's the opposite? It turns out that Eastern thinking is more oriented towards the subconscious. And the subconscious is connected to subtle planes where time flows in reverse.
The universe exists and evolves thanks to the presence of two streams of time moving towards each other. On the external, physical level, the arrow of time is directed towards the future. But on the subtle planes, time and energy flow in the opposite direction, from the future to the past.
Inside our soul, these two streams of time merge. Inside our soul, the spiritual and the material merge. Therefore, we live in two realities, which are reflected in our consciousness and subconsciousness. At the subconscious level, the spirit is primary, and matter is secondary. The existing future approaches us, flows into the present, and becomes reality. Those who are oriented towards the future lean towards religion, while those oriented towards the past lean towards science.
To this day, science cannot answer many questions. Scientists simply choose to ignore the obvious limitations of the materialistic worldview. It is widely known that our planet is expanding. Science attempts to explain this purely with physical facts, such as meteorite impacts. According to science, the Earth is a cooling body. However, there are facts indicating the opposite: the number of earthquakes has sharply increased in recent years. Scientists believe that water on the surface of our planet originated from abundant rains. But facts persistently confirm that water is born in the depths of the Earth.
Until the late 1960s, many scientists supported the theory of a steady-state universe. It was no longer about eternal matter that had always existed and would always exist. Today, the widely accepted cosmological model is the Big Bang theory. However, facts suggest that the universe is expanding simultaneously in all points. How does this fit with the Big Bang theory?
And why do stars shine? This is also a mystery for scientists worldwide. Stories about thermonuclear fuel increasingly provoke smiles among specialists.
All this inconsistency and absurdity of scientific hypotheses can be explained by the half-hearted thinking of scientists. It's simply necessary to acknowledge the existence of the reverse arrow of time. Energy flows not only from the past to the future, and the physical body can do more than just cool down by releasing previously acquired energy. Reverse processes can also occur in the universe.
The center of the galaxy receives energy from the future, and from this energy of time, matter and space are created, which means that each galaxy "inflates" space and time around itself. Therefore, all galaxies move away from each other, increasing the scale of the universe.
A similar process occurs within each star. The energy coming from the future provides fuel to our Sun and other stars. In the same way, the Earth receives energy from the future, and in the center of our planet, the formation of new matter and space is constantly taking place. Without this energy that fertilizes everything living and non-living, the universe simply could not exist.
In my first book, I wrote that the process of star formation is similar to fertilization. Essentially, this is a new cosmological model that can be called the model of a reproducing universe. Planets, the satellites of the Sun, did not form as a result of the condensation of interstellar dust – they were born from the Sun, ejected by it. In the same way, the center of the Galaxy expelled stars and star clusters, turning the future into the present, the spiritual into the material. The main arrow of time is directed from the future to the present, in other words, subtle planes govern external, material planes.
Not long ago, scientists confidently talked about the triumph of human consciousness. My research suggests otherwise. Essentially, our subconscious mind has been and is still in control, containing a vast amount of strategically important information. Consciousness, on the other hand, is associated with momentary issues. In comparison, consciousness is a second, while the subconscious is eternity. When they come together, consciousness and the subconscious form a dialectical unity, and it's through this that development occurs. Humans are guided by their subconscious mind for 92-94%, and this is natural because our subconscious holds vast amounts of past and future experience.
If a person tries to live with consciousness, attempting to make it the leader, very quickly health and fate problems arise, and then the person perishes. The power of consciousness is illusory. Our rational component has turned out to be a small and naive child, while the irrational is an adult and wise parent. If the child does not listen to the parents, problems arise very quickly.
Recently, I read in the newspaper that scientists have changed their viewpoint – now many believe that the subconscious controls a person 99%. Scientific dogmas are beginning to crumble. Our consciousness is preparing for a new worldview.
I smile when I think about the unsolvable mysteries for science. Academician N. Bekhterev once confessed that to this day, no scientist in the world knows what sleep is. In reality, during sleep, there is a transition from one arrow of time to another. Since the body, along with consciousness, slows down, the subconscious levels of the soul become activated. External reality is replaced by inner reality, and a person ceases to interact with the past and the present, starting to communicate with the future.
Sleep is necessary for living beings to scan the future and prepare for it. Since we see the future in our dreams, in the form of images, when we wake up, we can intuitively use this information. This helps avoid many problems, solve insurmountable tasks, and make discoveries. What we call intuition is subconscious vision of the future – it is a vision that mainly occurs during sleep.
Originally, clairvoyance occurred precisely in dreams. God appeared to Abraham in a dream and ordered him to change his destiny and life. To Abraham's descendants, God also appeared in dreams, revealing the future to them – this allowed them to survive in the most difficult trials and create a new nation with a new level of thinking.
No one knows what the placebo effect is – scientists are powerless to explain this phenomenon. However, if we accept the existence of the reverse arrow of time, everything becomes simple and clear. Physical illness is a result of our super-deep emotions. A person can influence their deep feelings, and through them, the future. Thus, they can change the course of events that flow into the present from subtle planes.
We are accustomed to thinking that the cause of illness lies in the past: injury, overcooling, poor food, experienced stress... But we forget that time is one, meaning all events are interconnected. Illness is nourished not only from the past. The roots of illness lie in our future – every fraction of a second, illness is nourished from the future. Therefore, by changing our future, we can heal any illness.
As stated in the Sacred Books, the universe is governed by God. This means that the arrow of time, directed from the future to the past, is the primary one. Control over the present occurs through the future. When a person prays, filling their soul with love, their strategic future changes. Future illnesses, misfortunes, and problems dissipate like smoke, transforming and not even having time to approach the present.
Hatred, resentment, despondency, and renunciation of love harm our soul and, consequently, deform the energy of the future, which will come to us in 10-20 years. We can not only distort our own future but also take it away from our children. In the Old Testament, this is called a curse to the fourth or tenth generation. When a person steals, robs, kills, lies, worships food and sex, they destroy love in their soul, and along with love, their future disappears – not only their own but also the future of their descendants. That's why the Old Testament says that an evil person has no future.
Renunciation of love also leads to renunciation of the future. A person who has lost love in their soul loses the desire to have a family and children because children are our future. Refusing love and morality on the external level leads to the rejection of family, children, and the future on the subconscious level. It may sound strange, but a person with such a behavioral pattern begins unconsciously to seek death, that is, to implement the program of giving up the future.
It is no accident that in modern Western art – in painting, cinema – there is a cult of violence and death. Pseudo-religiosity, worship of instincts, consumption, and well-being decay the soul, leaving no chances for the future. Talented artists and directors feel the approaching death but cannot understand the reasons for what is happening. Therefore, many increasingly feel a sense of hopelessness and depression.
We came from God, we strive towards Him, and we will return to Him. Every fraction of a second, Divine energy is directed towards us. We receive energy from the Almighty, and we must return it. The stronger our longing for God, the greater the sense of gratitude, and the more energy we give, ultimately, the more we receive.
We came from God; we are created in His image and likeness – that's why inside, we are pure, perfect, and without sin. However, externally, Divine energy is clouded by our imperfections. In religious terms, this is called the original sin of man.
Many priests talk in their sermons about hating sin. But hatred towards one's imperfect self can only lead to self-destruction. Blame, hatred, and self-criticism have never been helpful in the process of self-improvement.
Our imperfection is a guarantee of our development. The reason for our imperfection is the lack of love. By striving towards God, increasing love in our hearts, obeying commandments, and restraining instincts, we educate ourselves and overcome our imperfections.
First, through love, we overcome severe illnesses and misfortunes. Then, we transform our selfish, consumerist, aggressive, and incorrect behavior. Finally, with the help of love, we cultivate our feelings, thoughts, and character. Cunning turns into wisdom, rudeness into courage, greed into thrift, lust transforms into care and attention, and pride becomes leadership.
When our feelings and thoughts recover thanks to love, we then address the root of future problems – attachment and devotion to the world created by God, the world that is part of the Creator. When there is love in the soul, we will worship the Whole more than its parts. The secondary will never overshadow the primary, instincts will not be a yoke that forces us to depend and worship.
We begin to worship what is created by God when we lose the awareness that we are inherently Divine. To overcome attachment to the world, one must constantly feel the presence of the Divine will in everything, especially in ourselves.
We came from God; we are Divine in our essence. We are forgiven and saved from the very beginning. We are filled with Divine love, accepting it every moment. We educate and continuously improve our imperfect human selves through love. We love all imperfections, and through love, we enhance them and bring them closer to God. If we remember where we came from every moment, happiness will always be present in our souls.