
Experience of Survival. Book 7 (Russian version)

Sergey Nikolaevich Lazarev
Experience of Survival. Book 7 (Russian version)

Experience of Survival. Book 7 (Russian version)

Sergey Nikolaevich Lazarev
  • E-book
Rating 5.0
5.0 10

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Year 2013

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  • World Without Children?
  • Play
  • Reception
  • Ascension
  • Reception
  • Who Are We?
  • Where Did We Come From?
  • Where Are We Going?
  • Continuing Research
  • Answers to Readers' Letters
  • Conflict
  • Attachment
  • Forgiveness and Punishment
  • Pride
  • Changing Character
  • Living with Feelings
  • Problems with the Future
  • Dialogue with Readers
  • Hope, Faith, and Love

The world is structured in such a way that the goal generates the means for moving towards it. The goal is the cause, and its attainment is the consequence. If the goal is lost, then the means also disintegrate.

A person lives and develops because in their subconscious mind, there is a system of near and distant goals. Time as the difference in potentials, the conflict between cause and effect, goal and means - all of this generates the energy that allows life to exist and develop.

When a person has a primary goal - love and unity with God, then the means also develop: our soul, our feelings, our subconscious mind. As soon as the love for God is lost, the soul begins to slowly and imperceptibly die. Then, the goal becomes survival, satisfying the instinct of self-preservation, and the main things for a person now become money, well-being, and social status. Reason and abilities become the main guiding lights, leading to arrogance, cruelty, insincerity. The desire for superiority requires constant humiliation of others, and the ambition to dominate the whole world becomes the ultimate task. For some time, there is indeed development of consciousness, abilities, and will, and everything seems fine.

But the secret lies in the fact that the sole goal of any being in the universe is unity with the Creator and knowing the Creator. Everything else is just means. Therefore, when we make our spiritual happiness the main goal, our soul begins to die. When we make the instinct of self-preservation the goal, our consciousness begins to degrade, our destiny gradually falls apart, and our abilities and possibilities diminish. If the goal is lost, the means must also be lost.

  Reviews 10
Rating 5.0 10
With the help of these books, I discovered a path to personal growth and got rid of negativity. I noticed changes in myself after just the first book. Highly recommend.
30 november 2024, 14:56
An excellent book helps to find inner resources and overcome life’s difficulties. It inspires self-discovery and the development of inner strength in challenging situations.
23 september 2024, 18:02
After reading these books, I started to look at life through a completely different lens, becoming aware of my mistakes and gaining the strength for positive changes. I highly recommend them.
18 september 2024, 17:53
A huge thank you to the author for his work. Thanks to it, I realized the depth of cause-and-effect relationships in life, improved my relationships, and became more mindful in my actions.
17 september 2024, 18:01
The book opened the path to self-discovery and helped me gain a deeper understanding of the causes of problems, as well as find harmony with myself and the world around me.
09 september 2024, 22:37
The perfect book for those seeking answers to their questions. Thanks to these books, I understood the reasons for my life's challenges and found my path to harmony. A truly valuable source of wisdom! Highly recommend!
31 august 2024, 14:02
Thanks to these books, I gained a better understanding of the causes of life's problems. I realized the causal connections between events and karmic laws. They are extremely helpful for self-development.
20 august 2024, 20:09
Thanks to these books, I changed my perception of life, learned to better understand the causes of my failures, and found the right ways to overcome them. I also realized the importance of spiritual growth and inner work on myself. I highly recommend it.
19 august 2024, 17:50
Very informative and valuable information that has changed my life for the better. I was finally able to improve relationships at work and at home. It changed my worldview and perspectives on life in general. Thanks to the author for their valuable work and experience.
03 may 2024, 18:21
I recommend reading this book to those who are searching for themselves and their place in this world. The author provides an understanding of the need to be in harmony with oneself and the surrounding world.
31 january 2024, 23:00
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