Parenting Education. Answers to Questions (Russian version)
Hello, dear Sergey Nikolaevich!
After attending your presentation, I decided to write to you, as lately everything seems to be falling apart before my eyes. This primarily concerns my family, and I think it will only get worse.
My name is A., and I have been living with my wife for 5 years, knowing her for 6. We have a child — it's her child, but I accept him as my own. So, my wife has been working with your books for about 10-12 years. I only started to take them as information about 1.5-2 years ago. Currently, I am reading your fifth book. I am working on myself and trying to see and feel situations. But in the last year, things have been getting worse for my wife. It's as if her strength is leaving her, or someone is draining it. Her blood pressure starts to spike for no reason, she experiences inner fear, and fainting spells.
Could this be connected to me? Am I draining her energy? After another episode, she left for a few days, leaving us with our son. On the third day, we ended up in the hospital with poisoning (for a week), although we ate the same food as always. The poisoning involved fainting but no stomach pains. After leaving the hospital, we attended your performance, and I confessed in church over the weekend. At the same time, my wife had another episode and lost consciousness. She says I'm taking her energy but not working on myself.
Could you advise what I am doing wrong and in what direction to work? I understand you will say: «Read the books»! — but my wife might die while I'm trying to get to the bottom of it.
My research is an attempt to understand the laws by which the universe lives and evolves. I started with philosophy, but then noticed that official authorities in this field often fantasize and pass off the desired as the real. If you decapitate a head from the body, it will not live. Our attempts to understand the world must intersect with reality and be confirmed by it. The problem is that philosophy often operates with large-scale concepts that span millions and billions of years. So what can be done in this case? I found the answer when I started healing. I realized and accepted the truth of the phrase: «The entire universe is hidden in every person». It turns out that a person reacts in their subconscious not only to immediate changes but also to global changes throughout the universe. An incorrect view of the world, wrong goals, not understanding who we are, where we came from, and where we are going, all lead to diseases and degeneration.
To understand another person, you need to internally resemble them. To understand the laws of the universe, you need to feel complete unity with it and resemble it. To understand the Divine logic, you need to resemble God, i.e., feel an inseparable unity with Him. An incorrect picture of the world disrupts the unity of our soul with the universe. Energy, closed upon itself, gradually dies. Without the right attitude towards oneself, loved ones, and the world, a person cannot have physical health, a healthy family, and a healthy fate.
This letter was sent to me via email. There was no handwriting sample, so diagnosing was difficult. The case was so interesting that I decided to call the phone number provided. The author of the note answered. I introduced myself, said I wanted to help solve the problem, and asked for his wife's name.
The young man on the phone says her name. Through him, I reach the field of his wife — and everything immediately becomes clear.
- «Have you carefully read my books»? I ask.
- «Yes», he replies, «and I take everything in».
- «Well, in the books, I write that the main crime in the universe is the murder of love. First, we close off love with excessive attachment, worship, and then try to kill it with hatred and grievances».
- «I agree with you», my phone interlocutor replies.
- «Your wife has a child from her first marriage. Tell me, why did she divorce»?
- To be honest, there were no special feelings, just a nonsensical confluence of circumstances. Her mother's demand to get married. She waved her hand and said, «Well, okay, if you insist — I'll marry». Then a child appeared. Her husband started to cheat, paid no attention to her. Then they divorced.
- «Everything is clear», I say. «Your wife has been reading my books for a long time, but her problems are more extensive than her personality. These problems were passed on to her from her mother and grandmother. She passed her incorrect attitude to her child. That's why the results are minimal. Probably something is hindering her self-improvement, but more on that later».
So, I'll ask myself a few questions and answer them.
- Why did your wife get married in such a strange way the first time?
- Why didn't her husband love her?
- Why did she immediately have a child from an unloved husband, and after living 5 years with you, she hasn't given birth?
- Why did she divorce her husband?
- Why did she start reading my books?
- Why has her condition worsened sharply in the last year?
- Why is she increasingly distancing herself from you internally?
All these questions can be answered with one phrase — in your souls, there is a constant violation of the first and second commandments. Now let me explain in more detail. Your wife's lineage includes the loss of love for God due to the worship of a loved one, the desire to merge souls with a loved one, and consequently, the strongest subconscious aggression towards men. The more a woman likes someone, the more she will attach to him, and the more she will kill him. By the way, attachment to the soul of a loved one often occurs during sexual excesses — when pleasure, enjoyment of sex becomes the goal, not a means.
Lately, television has been tormenting viewers with incessant reports of murders, violence, and perversions. The commercial approach, in pursuit of money, is ready to destroy the human soul. After all, everything we watch on TV is subconsciously perceived as a guide to action. But that's a separate topic.
You know who becomes an abuser? It's someone who, for the sake of sexual pleasure, is ready to go to any lengths, for whom pleasure is the goal. This is the final stage of moral degradation. And what precedes it? Masturbation, watching pornography, a reluctance to have children, and channeling all energy only into pleasure. All these are the first steps on the path to losing love. Through sexual pleasure, a woman becomes most strongly attached to a loved one and can forget about God.
Remember Pushkin's phrase: «The less we love a woman, the easier we please her»? A man who worships a woman, wanting to give her only positive emotions, greatly enhances soul attachment and kills love in the woman's soul. Women cheat on and leave such men.
Now, about your wife. For her to have a healthy child, she had to go through the humiliations of passion, attachment, through unloved husband's indifference, through betrayals and grievances. Strangely enough, this reduced her inner aggressiveness and pushed her towards Divine love. She accepted, to some extent, what happened, and therefore a child was born. But her upbringing and worldview did not allow her to fully accept the situation properly, so the child is problematic, and she divorced her first husband. Deep changes did not occur, and when she started living with you, her subconscious aggressiveness began to destroy your destiny and your health. When you started reading the books, her subconscious aggression could no longer penetrate you. Slow destruction turned around and began to destroy her – the self-destruction program is perceived by her as a loss of strength. She rightly felt that this was related to you, but it's her own aggression, bouncing off you. When after another episode she left for a few days, you internally reached out to her and opened up – and sharp self-destruction began in you too. Why did both you and the child end up in the hospital? Because subconscious destruction of the husband always means subconscious destruction of the son. The program works blindly. When you went to church, there you tuned into the Divine and were again under protection. After that, your wife had another episode. So, in a normal situation, the only chance to save her life would be a divorce.
My interlocutor is silent for a while, then his voice comes through the phone.
- You know, we had a strange situation recently. I started reading your fifth book, and somehow my chest felt warm, light, and bright in my soul. And in the evening, my wife approached me, hugged me, and pressed against me, although before that she had completely distanced herself and, moreover, talked about needing a divorce.
- «When you started reading, there was an internal detachment from attachments», I say. «Your subconscious chose the right direction. A man works as an antenna, and a woman as a transmitter. Immediately, in the wife's subconscious, attachment and aggressiveness sharply decreased, and she was able to feel love. By the way, in your situation, it's possible to save the family if you first increase the internal distance, stop worshiping your wife. In your aura, there's a readiness to worship, please, and give in to the wife in everything».
- «Yes, I have that», the interlocutor agrees. «The thing is, I always dreamed of finding such a woman».
- «That's the root of your problems», I continue. «A dream is a goal you strive for. When you make a beloved woman or pleasure with her the goal, you kill yourself as a man and her as a woman. Why now in the whole world has unisex clothing appeared? Because there is simultaneous degeneration of both men and women. Men become woman-like, and women manly. The potential narrows, and internal energy falls. The difference between a man and a woman is more significant, the more energy in the soul. It comes from love and faith. Always the man was responsible for the life of the family and children and was ready to go to any deprivation and death. This readiness turned into detachment and the possibility of knowing God. Where there is a strong religion, there is a strong male principle and fertile femininity. The modern world, having lost notions of real love for God, is dying. Men worship pleasures and turn into women. You can kneel before a lady, but you should never kneel on both knees. Only before God can you kneel on both knees».
«You've started to overcome grievances, condemnation, and despondency, but you still have to overcome worship and attachment. If you can't, then you can save the family if you get a mistress. It will be a humiliation for your wife, and if she accepts this pain, then aggressiveness will decrease, and love will grow. Someone has to shake our stability and attachment to human happiness. If the husband doesn't do it, the wife will».
My interlocutor exclaims in surprise:
- «And you're right, I noticed that recently more men have been complimenting her and starting to court her».
- «Know why»? I ask. «Because the energy of a woman who feels internally free and ready to seek closeness is instantly felt by any man. Believe me, from one glance, you can immediately tell whether a woman is free or not. So, the more you worship the absence of conflicts, sugar-coating in relationships, the faster you will get infidelity and divorce».
- «I wouldn't want to get a mistress», the young man stretches out. «I just wanted to live normally, without cheating, honestly, sincerely».
- «Then live that way», I say. «But for this, you must put love for God first and stop being a slave to pleasure, female beauty, and a stable family. If you can't, then you must live in a mode of continuous striving for God».
Regular prayer.
Strict observance of commandments.
Periodic fasting and abstinence.
Self-restraint, helping to convert animal energy into Divine.
The ability to love, despite the pain of loss and grievances.
The ability to sacrifice and care.
The ability to be soft and hard at the same time.
The ability to constantly keep a distance from a loved one.
Continuous self-improvement, personal change.
If you can't do this, get a mistress. But don't rule out the scenario that both the wife and the mistress will quietly kill you with jealousy, which can lead to various diseases at least. Our subconscious knows everything. If you don't learn to forgive and love, then those around you are unlikely to learn to do this. Any painful situation, whether a person sees it realistically or feels it subconsciously, will give an explosion of deep claims, and then problems with fate and health. Can't get a mistress and build relationships correctly – get divorced. Can't get divorced – get sick and die.
- «I understand», says the young man, «I'll try to cope on my own».
- «Excellent», I say, «try».
I put down the phone and pondered. Why do my research help some but not others? Probably because with a selfish attitude towards love, changes can only be superficial. Selfishness is the superiority of the human and animal over the Divine. It may sound strange, but selfishness and despondency come from the same root. Let's analyze what makes up such an emotion as despondency. Suppose I wanted to get something from fate and the future, but my dreams and hopes collapsed. I no longer love either my future or my fate, and I fall into despondency or depression. And the more I depend on fate and the future, the more I dream of getting, the stronger my dependency and the stronger the despondency. Only a free person can come to love and God, spiritual slavery closes us off from love.
Interestingly, for one person, a dream is a means of releasing energy, for many attempts. For him, a dream is a path he walks. For another, a dream is a desire to get the desired and do nothing. He is not pleased with the present, he does not want to expend energy, he does not want to sacrifice something for the sake of a dream. And since such people's dreams do not come true, they constantly remain dissatisfied and despondent, which is actually an unwillingness to sacrifice and give energy.
The wife of this young man experienced slow changes for another reason — lack of belief in her own strength and negative thoughts about herself. This is a more subtle level of disturbances. One can be selfish and not give energy — and then love will not come to the soul, or one can think poorly of oneself, one's destiny, and one's future — and thereby block the possibility of love reaching higher planes. A person can sacrifice, care, detach, but at the same time think badly of themselves. But we are divine by nature. It's not right to think poorly of God, and our imperfect human shell should not be condemned either. Can one condemn and despise a child who has yet to learn something? They need to be loved and helped to develop, giving both warmth and pain, limitations and freedom.
Everything is surmountable, I think. The Creator is omnipotent, almighty, and merciful, and when we strive towards Him and become like Him, we can change not only ourselves and our children but also the entire world around us.
Hello, Sergey Nikolaevich!
Thank you so much for your work and for not answering all the questions. Because when you find the answer yourself, you truly experience sincere joy, and this experience in solving conflicts helps in the future.
If I may ask a question: if a child's soul is in the mother's field before birth, does the father already exist or is he chosen later? What if a woman uses frozen sperm? And if it's a clone, where does its soul come from?
And another thing: You say that one should pray for the souls of descendants, but words only get in my way. It seems to me that if a person starts changing, then, like ripples on the water, the souls of descendants and ancestors change too. Or are real changes in a person actually a prayer, a contact with God? My words can't keep up with my feelings.
Thank you again for everything. Good luck and take care of yourself.
We are used to putting matter, the physical body, at the base of everything. But I have repeatedly said: an event on the physical plane is preceded by an event on a subtle plane. Everything that will happen to us by fate already exists in our subconscious. All the diseases we will get are already invisibly present in our soul.
The souls of the parents meet before the birth and conception of the child. I have seen how on a subtle plane, when two future parents meet, the external shells of the future child's soul are formed, i.e., his emotions, his character, his subconscious worldview, his fate. Then the child's soul connects with this structure. Usually, the parents' energy corresponds to the energy of the child's soul. Simply put, the way you were in a past life determines the parents you get.
If a woman uses frozen sperm, then the child's soul may already be damaged because the father's energy is not connected. That is, externally, physically and spiritually, the child may be completely normal, but the soul's energy may already be diminished.
How does the father transfer information if the sperm is frozen? Remember Russian fairy tales. The hero tells his parents: «If I am in a mortal situation, then my nightshirt will be covered in blood». This reflects the principle of unity, working on a field level. You probably know that a person and their photograph are constantly in invisible contact. A mirror, into which a person looks, retains an energetic connection with them. If a mirror suddenly breaks, it's a bad omen, someone might die. A friend of mine had a mirror inexplicably fall off the wall. Her acquaintance, who was in the apartment at the time, said that according to the omen, the mirror should not be hung back immediately, otherwise someone close might die. Half an hour later, her daughter drove through a red light, lost in thought, and her car was hit hard by a truck. The daughter survived, but the car was beyond repair. If objects retain an invisible connection with their owner for many years, then probably a part of his body also retains this connection.
Regarding the photograph. I had an interesting situation. In St. Petersburg, after a performance, an old man approached me and persistently asked me to look at a photograph and say where his brothers and sisters, whom he lost during the war, are now, whether they are alive today or not. I replied that I do not search for people, any unusual research takes a huge amount of energy. The old man persisted:
- Then at least tell me who of these people in the photograph is alive today.
I looked at the children in the photograph, then switched to internal vision.
- I can't please you. Of the four, only one is alive, he is now on Earth. This one, — I pointed with my finger. — His soul is present on Earth, the others do not have this.
The old man frowned discontentedly:
- That's me. But I need to know about my brothers and sisters.
- I can't help, — I replied. He waved his hand, took the photograph, and left.
Regarding clones, it's hard for me to answer competently, I wouldn't want to fantasize. I need to see a cloned person, look at their aura, and then I can answer. But when I conducted diagnostics of cloned animals by photograph, I saw the same thing everywhere — nonviable offspring up to the seventh generation. That is, the clone's soul is quite damaged. Most likely, it has the upper shells of the soul, but the soul itself cannot dwell in it. The clone's soul is externally formed by the parent, and internally it is part of the world soul. Remember, there is a common soul for animals of a certain species, there is a common soul for all living things on Earth. Most likely, the clone's soul interacts with it. In animals, a truncated soul is not visible. And a human clone, most likely, will not be a personality. The shell of the soul, body, and consciousness will work correctly, but the higher parts of consciousness, associated with the soul, what we call personality, will most likely be absent.
Regarding prayer for descendants, first a person prays with words. Words are needed for a feeling to arise. The emerging feelings should turn into one feeling of love — and then words just get in the way, they are not needed. The highest prayer is the feeling of love for God and the feeling of unity with Him. Seraphim of Sarov said that when God comes to a person, prayer is not needed. Words are actually just a reflection of our feelings. And any feeling, emotion, is already an action. When a person tries to pray, uttering words, without feeling love and the need for unity with God, the prayer becomes fruitless and meaningless. Prayer without deeds is dead. Prayer without feelings is also dead.