
Parenting Education. Book 1 (Russian version)

Sergey Nikolaevich Lazarev
Parenting Education. Book 1 (Russian version)

Parenting Education. Book 1 (Russian version)

Sergey Nikolaevich Lazarev
  • E-book
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Year 2008

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  1. I would like to tell you...
  2. Medicine for the soul
  3. Seminar
  4. Love Test
  5. Pride
  6. The Energy of Love
  7. Conflicts
  8. Homeostasis of the soul
  9. Raising Others
  10. Commandments of Bliss
  11. The Physiology of Temptation
  12. Cleansing of the soul
  13. Forgiveness of Sins
  14. New Thinking

So much attention is devoted to the spiritual state of parents in this book because the primary factor in raising children is the direction in which their parents are moving, the goals they are striving for, and the meaning of life they profess. For a child, this is paramount.

There is another important factor - how parents behave, how they treat each other. And finally, the life experience of parents and other ancestors, their emotional and behavioral lineage.

What we usually call child rearing, which includes advice, moral teachings, and the formation of habits, in my opinion, constitutes only 5-10% of their influence. The rest is determined by the internal state and behavior of parents. The most important experience a child acquires at the level of feelings, in the subconscious. That's why I didn't rush to move on to practical advice because any practice is built on the foundation of theory, and in order to move on to it, one must thoroughly absorb this theory.

When we worship material or spiritual happiness, we make pleasure our only goal. We run away from pain if we cannot hold two opposites at the same time. However, every person knows that possession of material wealth cannot be eternal; sooner or later, they will be lost. The possession of spiritual values is also the same. Pain is always present in our lives, but in the future, as a consequence. The stronger a person worships something, the more he wants to push pain away, to separate the consequence from the cause, to extend the time of pleasure. But then the energy in the soul decreases, and degradation occurs.

So, before Christ, people prayed for their pleasures and hated those because of whom they lost them. So people hated evil and worshiped good, which was actually continuous positive emotions for them. People always ran away from suffering, and the main suffering was physical torment, i.e., the destruction of the body, and spiritual torment, i.e., the collapse of the future, hopes, and ideals. But at the same time, people understood that without sacrifice, suffering, restricting their desires, and suppressing the body, the soul degenerates, and faith in God disappears.

Christ showed that pain is necessary for continuous love. At high levels of energy, pleasure and pain, happiness and suffering, exist together without destroying each other. Therefore, the image of Christ for us is inseparably connected with the feeling of happiness, rejoicing, and at the same time suffering and loss. And the Virgin Mary is depicted on Orthodox icons at the same time rejoicing at the birth of her Firstborn and suffering from knowing about His future torment. In such moments, time begins to compress, and the more happiness and suffering fight each other, the more clearly the victory of love becomes evident, its power and superiority over everything else.

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