Parenting Education. Book 1 (Russian version)
The universe is absolutely unified. No matter how diverse the external world becomes, the inner connection with the First Cause is always preserved. The ancients believed that time flows uniformly throughout the entire world, as it is the fundamental quantity in the universe. Ancient Indian manuscripts state that time is the primordial cause of everything in the universe. Time gives birth to space and matter.
The beginning of the twentieth century marked the shattering of conventional views of the universe. It turned out that time is subject to gravity and velocity. The speed of light was considered the ultimate limit for any object in the universe. Materialists celebrated this revelation: the world is not unified, which means there cannot be a Supreme Creator, and therefore, religion is wrong when it speaks of the morality that all people should adhere to. Each person can have their own morality and ethics, meaning they can be free. However, a few decades later, there was a sharp decline in morality worldwide: there was an increase in the number of homosexuals and pedophiles, the emergence of satanic cults, and a tenfold increase in the number of perverted and mentally ill individuals.
It turned out that the world is indeed unified, and the wrong worldview eventually leads to the degradation of the soul and body. Recently, scientists were astonished to realize that the universe is absolutely unified. There are layers of time where the connection between objects can occur almost instantaneously over any distance. The interaction of photons, electromagnetic fields, and even cosmic objects can occur at speeds billions of times greater than the speed of light. This confirms the thesis that, on a subtle level, the universe remains absolutely unified.
Recently, I read about a phenomenon that science cannot explain. On one of the islands in the Indian Ocean, monkeys learned to crack nuts. Other monkeys, with no prior contact with them and living on different islands, also learned this skill within a few days.
The only way to explain this phenomenon is as follows: life primarily exists as a field structure, and at the field level, monkeys of the same species are a single organism. There is a mechanism for exchanging information that operates at the field level. Going deeper, all life on Earth is also a single organism. Remember the thinking ocean in Solaris. Going even deeper, the distinction between living and non-living is blurred, and the entire universe appears as a single living organism. This is entirely logical and follows from the postulate of the unity of the universe.
Divine energy comes into this world and transforms into time. Time creates space and matter, and then this energy, after going through a cycle of transformations, must return back to the First Cause. In other words, as a person strives towards God, they must first overcome their dependency on material goods, then on spiritual ones, and finally conquer time in order to return to the Creator. One can transcend time only through love, and for this, love for God must be the highest value and absolute happiness.
For a pagan, going through such a cycle is impossible. Many believers today are, in fact, pagans without realizing it. Often, this is pushed by a superficial interpretation of biblical truths. A person reads the Bible and learns that before preaching and saving people, Christ was tempted by the devil. If the devil is a real entity that does not submit to God, it means there are two gods: one good and one evil. Then it becomes difficult to believe that everything happening in the universe is from God.
Just as a pagan person personifies their needs and materializes them in wooden idols, a person who has not learned to love personifies evil by calling it the devil or Satan, without realizing that devilry is simply a tendency, an infection that intensifies as the soul loses love and unity with God. Many biblical stories cannot be understood if they are interpreted formally. One needs to see through the form. Observing what happens with the souls of patients, I understood why the Bible tells the story of Christ being tempted by the devil.
The most beautiful, intelligent, and perfect being in the world is the devil. According to legend, an angel turned into a devil when power, might, perfection, beauty, and intellect became more important to him than love for God. The more beautiful and grand the second link becomes, the easier it is to forget the first one. Perfection, devoid of love, is the devil. Beauty, devoid of love, is the devil. Consciousness, devoid of love, is the devil.
After love, the most important value is energy. This primary subtle energy gives rise to spirituality, beauty, perfection, and governs the world.
Every person who receives a new portion of Divine energy must distribute it correctly. If, for someone, the meaning of life is sexual pleasure, the new energy that comes to them, along with much greater potential, can turn them into a sexual maniac. If a person's ultimate happiness is money, then, upon receiving new energy and much greater opportunities, they may commit any crime for the sake of money. Therefore, a large amount of energy can be deadly for a person with an imperfect worldview. The most dangerous thing is worshiping the foundations of what we call human happiness. If a person cannot overcome their worship of spirituality, beauty, perfection, power, and authority, then the new portion of Divine energy can turn them into a devil. Temptation, as described in the Bible, occurs in the soul of each of us every second. And often, without realizing it, we choose the path of Judas, renouncing love for one reason or another.
Jesus Christ made a choice: He did not worship the devil for the sake of spiritual and material goods. Before the beginning of His mission, He probably went through many situations where He had to determine what was more important: intellect, power, money, well-being—or love. He made His choice, and all His subsequent actions confirmed this choice and worked towards the salvation of the souls of those around Him.
A soul that has renounced love for God is dead. Christ saw this, which is why He said, «Let the dead bury their own dead». Why was He able to heal people from various illnesses? Because illness is a loss of energy. Parents lose love, continue to behave incorrectly, but still feel fine. However, their children later fall ill and die. The mechanism of eradicating love in the soul unfolds gradually. So, on the one hand, Christ gave people the energy of love, and on the other hand, He explained to them that they should not sin.
There was only one person He did not heal, but that person healed himself by realizing how important love was to Christ compared to strength, power, and justice. It was the thief on the cross. What main sin was he able to overcome? Analyzing historical events allows us to understand this. The thief crucified on the cross was likely a fighter for the liberation of Israel, someone who rebelled against Roman rule. He hated the Romans and their collaborators. He did not want to work, knowing that the Romans would take away a significant portion of his wealth and property. It was impossible for him to accept this injustice and humiliation of his fate. It was easier to rob and kill. This tendency later manifested itself in the Jewish Revolt, which ended tragically. In 73 AD, Jerusalem was wiped off the face of the earth, and the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world.
Why did God punish the Jews so harshly through the hands of the Romans? What commandments could they have violated? During the Egyptian captivity, the Jewish people went through enormous humiliations, which pushed them towards faith in the Almighty and reliance on Him. During the Babylonian captivity, not only did many people perish, but even the practice of monotheism was forbidden. However, the Jewish people survived. Their faith in God became even stronger, and their internal cohesion as a nation grew.
During the period of Roman rule, people were allowed to practice their religion, live their lives, and were only required to acknowledge the supremacy of Rome and pay taxes. Where did so much hatred and readiness for suicidal actions come from? The only way to explain this is that the importance of material and spiritual well-being far exceeded a dangerous limit. Condemnation, hatred, and the desire for revenge all accumulated in people's souls and were bound to eventually lead to decisive actions.
The most dangerous thing was the worship of higher spiritual aspects. Israel was given a chance. Through Christ, the Almighty made it clear that love is more important than justice. In the Gospel, it is said: «Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it» (Matthew 21:43). I couldn't understand this for a long time, and I only realized it recently. Two thousand years ago, the territory of Israel witnessed the simulation of the collapse of a civilization. If it weren't for the Jewish War, the inhabitants of Israel could have perished for other reasons. Just as Judas, who traded love for justice, was doomed, so were the residents of the entire state. Material and spiritual goods overshadowed Divine love for them. The people living in Israel began to lose the highest energy that nourishes the soul. Society and the state were doomed. Salvation came in the form of the Romans, who destroyed the state and wiped Jerusalem off the face of the earth.
I think about the current civilization, which is in a similar situation. How will the salvation of our souls come about? Through catastrophes, new diseases, or nuclear war? On the subtle plane, the script is probably already written. And judging by many signs, there is not much time left to wait.
The thief crucified on the cross became a criminal because for him, justice, righteousness, and the sense of spiritual superiority were far more important than love, just like for Judas. But he made the opposite choice. The impending death helped him make the right choice. When he not only saw but also felt how important love was to Christ compared to life, justice, and power, enlightenment dawned in his soul. At that moment, he transformed as a person. The Divine took precedence for him. His body perished, but his soul was saved. And this meant that there are chances for the survival of the Jewish people after millennia of humiliation, pain, and losses. And this also implies that there are chances for the survival of the entire current civilization.