I am constantly asked this question. It often happens that a person feels offended, hates, condemns - and they have excellent health. While another person seemingly has no hatred or resentment, yet they suffer from serious illnesses. Why does this happen?
The reason lies in the fact that a person is a multi-layered being. In a person, there are feelings, emotions, and thoughts on the surface, at the conscious level, and there are feelings, emotions, and thoughts at a deep, subconscious level.
At the conscious level, feelings of offense, condemnation, and dissatisfaction are practically harmless since they do not harm the external world. However, if a person frequently feels offended, hates, condemns, or feels despondent, these negative emotions penetrate into the subconscious, into the depths of the soul. And it is the subconscious emotions, the state of our soul, that affect our health. If aggression penetrates the soul, then illnesses begin. First, a person's soul becomes ill, and then their body follows.
The thing is, on the subtle plane, at the level of the soul, the whole world is one, all living beings are united; you could say that we, humans, are part of the collective universal soul. When aggression, like poison, penetrates the subtle planes, it becomes dangerous not only for one individual but for all living beings. That's why the defense system I called the field self-regulation system comes into play. Aggression is reversed, turned into a self-destructive program, and after that, a person experiences illnesses and other problems.
Therefore, there are two levels of aggression - conscious aggression and subconscious aggression. People with high levels of subconscious aggression always experience health and life issues.
Subconscious emotions don't just disappear on their own; they remain in the subconscious, often for years or even decades. They are neutralized and released only through illnesses, suffering, or repentance.
Additionally, subconscious emotions can be inherited. Strong resentment that has gone deep into the soul can cause severe illnesses not only in the individual but also in their children and grandchildren.
It is commonly believed that sin, unworthy behavior, and negative emotions like hatred, resentment, or the desire to harm others can only be directed towards other people, leading to illnesses and divine punishment. In all religions, it is considered that misconduct towards others results in diseases and misfortunes.
To my great surprise, I discovered that misconduct towards oneself is also a cause of many illnesses. Discontent with oneself, non-acceptance of one's destiny, self-indulgence, and despondency - all these are the seeds of future serious illnesses and misfortunes.
If a person is dishonest towards others - it leads to illnesses; if they are dishonest towards themselves - it also leads to illnesses; if they are dishonest towards God - it also brings about illnesses.
Misconduct towards God manifests as a lack of love in the soul, dissatisfaction with one's destiny, a lack of reverence for the Creator, and a reluctance to follow His commandments. All of these are causes of many serious problems.