In Russia, there is now a growing approach to the concept of the body's wholeness. It turns out that treating individual organs and various diseases separately is futile if the immune system is at zero. I think soon doctors will be able to link the concept of immunity to the internal energy of the body. And then they will be able to connect the concept of internal energy with the emotional, psychological state of a person. Eventually, doctors should notice that it's not the superficial emotions that affect the body's energy, but the deep-seated emotions that are stored in the subconscious. And from there, it's relatively easy to notice the connection between worldview, character, destiny, and health.
To gain energy, one needs to be internally kinder, reduce grievances, regrets, and fears. It turns out that a physical lack of energy forces a person to be kinder. Conversely, excessive food, indulging desires, physical comfort, and a sedentary lifestyle sharply enhance the external physical energy and block the intensity of the internal, higher energy of the soul. And they spoil the character. A person becomes more resentful, greedy, depressive. As soon as the soul's energy decreases, the body starts to weaken. And then diseases and accelerated aging follow in succession. Thus, the more we focus on superficial energy, the less of it we will ultimately have. Therefore, those who live long and enjoy robust health are those who can limit themselves in food and sex. By the way, in the community of centenarians, sexual promiscuity and overeating are practically non-existent.
Yet, doctors treat a specific organ and pump the patient with pills. In a critical situation, when time is short and the situation has gained momentum, such treatment is justified. But without understanding how disease arises, how the soul affects the body, all treatment will be reduced to bombardment with drugs and surgeries.
In Russia, men die on average at fifty-five years. After fifty, men begin to experience climacteric, and the usual regime, to which a person is accustomed for three decades, suddenly becomes too much. Add to this negative emotions, overeating, and heavy drinking, which clog and poison the body, and the patient is almost ready. And then, as a satirist aptly remarked, pensions in Russia are given after sixty, but men live up to fifty-five.
Let's consider the question: what is aging? It's the adaptation of the body to a gradual decrease in energy level. If internal energy is increased, aging will be slower. This is confirmed by facts. If a person eats little and moves a lot, they connect to the source of subtle energy and live longer.
Recently, there was an interview with a famous academician who is now about a hundred years old. He named the main recipe for his youthfulness - leaving the table feeling hungry, that is, with a sense of lack of external physical energy. This means one needs to connect to an additional source, which is actually primary. There is a subconscious striving for God, a powerful tuning into the feeling of love.
To survive, a living being must adapt to its environment. I understood why it's so joyful when the sun shines. We imitate what we see. And when the sun shines, our soul begins to give off energy and, despite the frost and cold wind, a wonderful mood arises. We stop depending on the surrounding world. And when there is no sun, internal energy stops, and a feeling of despondency and dissatisfaction appears. Therefore, a healthy person is one whose sun always shines in their soul, that is, good mood does not depend on the weather.
The essence of communication is sacrifice. The first impulse of any communication is the desire to help the interlocutor, to give them energy, information. And the more mutual giving, the exchange of energy, the more interesting the conversation becomes. The Western person, tuned to consumption, has forgotten how to communicate. For a heartfelt conversation with a stranger, one needs to be sincere and sacrificial. This helps to feel the sense of love and recovers after any overload.
An energy burst should never go towards killing in the form of offense. A sharp offense towards a close person, fate, or inanimate nature is very dangerous. The offended one is a consumer, a weak person, someone who does not want to give energy, someone who does not attempt to change the situation. Don't like the world around you - change it. Can't change it - change yourself. And then try again to change the world.
Every situation has a higher regularity and is aimed at development. If we confuse development with achieving the well-being of our body, the development of abilities or consciousness, then closer to old age, when this development turns into degradation, we suffer and become sad. But if development is considered as multiplying the ability to love, then weakness and old age do not pose an obstacle. Our ability to love cannot be taken away from us.
My work often gives a sense of superiority. Of course, it allows one to control fate. And you don't notice how love departs. But when pain and humiliation come, you suddenly realize that there was little love in the soul. And the more humiliated you are, the more the feeling of love warms you. «By the way, the X structure also cannot exist without love», I remembered.
The universe is unified. It emerged from a point and on the subtle plane continues to remain a point. And every object in the universe maintains absolute internal unity with all existing things. Any physical structure is organized energy. Organization implies the presence of stable connections. An organized connection is a combination of cause and effect. There, on the subtle plane, where the Universe is a point, cause and effect are one whole. As the Universe expands, the cause moves further away from the effect. The potential between the past and the future becomes more tense. The overall energy of the universe increases. For balance, energy must be converted into information. Energy is two separated streams of time. If compressed into a point, it becomes information.
The development of any object in the Universe is the transformation of information into energy and then a return to the original point.
The glow of stars, including our Sun, is due to the process of thermonuclear fusion. In this process, new elements are formed. Any star strives to turn energy into information. A star ejects planets from itself, which have less energy but more information. The task of the planet is to create as many cause-and-effect connections as possible, not in the form of individual atoms or molecules, but in the form of complex compounds. The more connections in these compounds, the more energy can dissolve in them.
The highest density of information, and therefore hidden energy, is in living nature. If the information of a living being is converted into energy, it will be much more than what is released during a nuclear explosion. Therefore, the appearance of life on Earth and other planets is a deeply regular phenomenon.
Energy compresses and turns into information, time compresses and turns into a point. The degree of compression of time and energy in living nature is much higher than in inanimate nature.
What distinguishes a living object from a non-living one? The speed of energy conversion into information and vice versa. What is the main characteristic of any being? It is homeostasis, i.e., constancy of internal composition and the presence of feedback, i.e., reaction to the environment. To maintain homeostasis, energy release is needed. For the existence of a reaction, energy must be converted into information.
Imagine that a cell finds itself in an unfavorable environment. To survive, it must react quickly. The entire set of external influences in a short time needs to be compressed into a point, combined with the experience of the past, and make conclusions for the future. That is, the reaction of a living being to the environment is impossible without the experience of the past and without predicting the future. This means that the reaction of a living being to the environment is impossible without the compression of time, the conversion of energy into information. And the organism's response to the environment is an act of turning information into energy.
In a living being, two opposite processes are constantly taking place. Energy in the form of two streams of time is compressed into information, a program, understanding. All this can be called an impact.
Then comes the actual reaction to the environment, when the program is implemented in action. The development of a living being goes not so much in the direction of speeding up the reaction as in the scale of covering two streams of time. That is, in a living being, the development of memory and the accumulation of life experience and, simultaneously, intuition and the ability to predict are taking place. This is the connection of two streams of time.
What I called the X structure turned out to be life. Our consciousness is a combination of memory and intuition, prediction. Consciousness exists as a connection between past events and those that will occur. And when we remember the past, it is always directed towards the future. As soon as a person starts living only in the past or only in the future, consciousness begins to degrade. What we call the present is actually a combination of the past and the future, which on the subtle plane are a single whole.
When I tried to see on the subtle plane how life originated on Earth, I got an interesting picture. Life itself first appeared as a form of consciousness outside the Earth. The combination of the energy of the sun as the male principle and the energy of the Earth as the female led to the creation of a field structure with two different streams of time.
Although the Earth emerged from the sun and the female, material, principle predominates in it, on the subtle plane it continues to remain united with the sun. This is precisely why the field structure with two streams of time did not fall apart into two parts. On the subtle plane, the Earth and the sun continue to be one whole.
Life, which appeared as consciousness, evolved in the atmosphere of the Earth. And then it descended to the Earth in the region of South Africa, in the Indian Ocean. The informational and energy structures received their physical embodiment in water.
The thing is, water has memory. Water is both amorphous and structured at the same time. The transition of energy into information in water happens constantly. With minor temperature fluctuations, water can become solid, liquid, or gaseous. Two pieces of ice, though different in shape, then melt and merge into a single puddle. Surface unity breaks down, but internal unity remains. Water constantly changes its form but not its content, just like the universe. Water, in a way, serves as a model of the universe. Therefore, the field form of life could physically manifest itself precisely in water. There, consciousness gained flesh. The masculine principle created the feminine principle. The «expulsion from paradise» occurred.
Life could only emerge in water as a dipole, meaning it had to consist of two halves, two poles, joined together. No matter how physically life evolved, it preserves itself as a primary field structure. And the main accumulation of information occurs precisely at the level of the field and is only duplicated by our genes. In the primary proto-cell, one part was oriented towards interacting with the future, while the other was oriented towards interacting with the past and present.
Life in the ocean most likely arose as a single organism—a thinking ocean with a bipolar time orientation. The two hemispheres of the Earth, western and eastern, the Earth's orientation towards two streams of time, the change of day and night helped this organism transform the informational structure into a physical one. The primary droplets, initially inseparably connected, over time gained more individuality. Information transformed into energy and flesh. To this day, all living things on Earth, despite their external diversity, continue to be a single organism, and therefore, on the subtle plane, people bear responsibility not only for each other but for all living things on Earth.
I tried to see what I looked like three and a half billion years ago. It turns out, I looked like an amoeba and was in water. One half was in the form of flagella and seemed to be connected with the past, while the other, like a bubble, was connected with the future.
In principle, every living being carries information about the entire universe from the moment of its inception. This continuity and memory prove once again the idea of the absolute unity of the universe in space and time. Therefore, the human embryo in its early stages looks like an amoeba, a little fish, a reptile with a tail. Absolute memory of events that occurred in the universe is duplicated on the physical level in the form of evolutionary stages of physical beings.
Movement is impossible without the interaction of two streams of time. Therefore, DNA in the cell is mainly responsible for the past and present, while the membrane is primarily for the future and present. This is why humans have two brain hemispheres. The left hemisphere is associated with bodily consciousness, with accumulated experience, while the right is with sensual images, intuition, and is oriented towards the future. The right side of the human body is more oriented towards the future, and the left is towards the past.
I ponder, «If life is such a harmonious structure, why does dependence on it cause so many problems»? Most likely, it concerns the physical structure of life. The superficial structure is associated with the body and is a tiny part of the field form of life. And our bodily consciousness is a tiny part of what we call the subconscious and superconscious. Our physical life is tied to two instincts: the instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of reproduction. The latter turns out to be more important. Therefore, not only humans but also animals often sacrifice their lives for the survival of their offspring. And worshipping sexuality, which is a means of continuing physical life, increases dependence on life, leads to a drop in immunity, weakening of sexuality, and ultimately to the loss of life itself.
«Strange», I think, «in previous books, I already touched on the themes of jealousy and pride, life, and desires». I thought about this topic for a long time and gradually began to understand what happened. Earlier, human values were not systematically organized for me. Now they are intertwined with the fundamental foundations of the universe, such as time, energy, matter. To feel the absolute unity with the universe, we must overcome dependence on its individual parts. And no matter how far our knowledge takes us, we must continuously be focused on unity. And the highest unity is love for God. And if there is not enough of this love, parts lose their internal connection and unity, then detach from each other and perish.
The process of losing love can occur not only on a physical but also on a field level. And life as a field form, consciousness, can also perish without love. Most likely, the parable of the devil tells about this. The smartest and most talented, the most willful and capable angel put his consciousness above love, and a tragedy occurred: he became the devil. Having realized itself on the field level, this process repeats itself on the physical level. And now the smartest and most willful disciple of Jesus Christ, who served as an administrator and managed the cash, decided that love is secondary, and consciousness together with morality and ideals is primary. And tragedy happens to him.
In every one of us, there is a Judas. And in our souls, tragedies occur almost every day, which we do not notice. Life without love means nothing. And consciousness without love also means nothing. Unfortunately, we often realize this only after losing health, life, and consciousness. But there is always a beacon in our life that will never go out, that will always lead us out of any hopeless situation, that no one will block for us, from which we can only turn away and lose our way. And its name, the reader already knows.