
Picture of Life

15 november 2013
Picture of Life
Rating 5.0
5.0 4

File format: mp4

File size: 1.26 Gb

Duration: 49 min

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"We are always looking for the recipe of happiness and instructions for healing, not willing to put too much effort. But the man himself can change his life for the better. He just needs to provide such an opportunity - an opportunity to understand the laws of the Universe, the possibility of changing the worldview, and outlook, the possibility of changing his character, and  his emotions. "

You can watch a great movie about very different people with their difficult life situations and of the system of knowledge that they started applying. This is a film about a new outlook on life. The world will open for you in a new way. Here you will find the inspiration that seemed impossible before.

Sergey Lazarev - author of numerous books on the spiritual path and Human Development (series of books "Diagnostics of karma," "Man of the Future" and "The experience of survival"). For many years he has been studying the relationship between the state of the man’s soul and his destiny; he talks about how our actions impact our health, our future and the future of our children. Lazarev’s ideas formed into the system of relation to life that determines man's place in the Universe.

S.N.Lazarev’s books, lectures and seminars -  is a summary of more than 20 years of research experience in the field of synthesis of science and religion,  it is  a union of an important information, which forms  versatile system of knowledge.

  Reviews 4
Rating 5.0 4
The video is superb, providing a comprehensive understanding of what to work on and contemplate. It describes all the processes and implementations. Numerous real-life examples greatly assist in grasping the author's thoughts correctly. I recommend watching it.
06 april 2024, 11:19
Thanks to this video, I was able to clearly define the areas for self-improvement for myself. I managed to understand and realize what I was doing wrong, what my mistake was. I found answers to many of my questions. Thank you for your work, Sergey Nikolaevich.
06 april 2024, 11:14
The video that changed my entire life for the better. I finally fully realized how interconnected our actions and consequences are, the connection with the world around us, and many other equally important things. I recommend it for viewing.
05 april 2024, 11:13
Interesting material, gives food for thought. I've recently started working on myself, and many things have already changed for the better in my life. Many problems that had been accumulating for months have disappeared, relationships with people have improved, and much more. Thanks to the author for sharing their experience.
05 april 2024, 11:09
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